
Thursday 5 September 2019



Personification is when you give qualities to non-human things
E.g The house watched me closely. The trees reached out to me. 

In each sentence, an object or idea is personified. 
Identify the object or idea that is being personified
and explain which human trait or action is applied to the object or idea.

  1. The wind whispered through the gloomy forest. 
What is being personified? The thing being personified in this sentence is the wind.
What human trait or quality has it been given?
The wind was given the ability of a person to whisper.

  1. The gardener lovingly added the manure to his crops believing he was making happy flowers.
What is being personified? Flowers
What human trait or quality has it been given?
Though flowers are living they can't feel emotions like humans,
therefore, being personified by this passage.

  1.   As we walked through the scorching desert, the sun beat down on us.
What is being personified? The sun is being personified.
What human trait or quality has it been given? The sun doesn't beat down on people,
it naturally does that by the way the earth rotates.

4.  The lumberjack levelled the many trees into a clearing
and his chainsaw sang its deadly song.
What is being personified? The chainsaw
What human trait or quality has it been given?
The human quality it was given was singing, chainsaws don't sing.

5. As Alice searched for her missing pencil, she said sarcastically,
“Well, I guess it just walked off of my desk.” 
She looked at her classmates accusingly.  
What is being personified? The pencil
What human trait or quality has it been given?
It was given the quality of a human to walk.

6. When Monica walked through the shoe store,
each shiny pair of high heels called out to her.
What is being personified? The high heels

What human trait or quality has it been given?
The high heels were personified by given a human attribute of being able to call out.

Writing my own:
The cars were screaming at each other due to traffic.
The trees danced to the sound of the wind.
The alarm's shouts were heard across the school.
His headphones sung in his ears.
Her phone was wide awake all night causing it to be flat the next day.

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