
Thursday 5 September 2019



Alliteration is when a consonant sound is repeated over and over. 
E.g The time ticked tediously by. The warm wind wafted across the window.

Highlight the alliterations in each of the following sentences:
  1. The sun sizzled the swimmers skin.
  2. I accidently ate an awful apple.
  3. Beth borrowed Barry’s books before biology. 
  4. Slipping and sliding, I stumbled in the snow and slush.
  5. Many mysterious men mumbled messages.
  6. The gallant goat gobbled gobs of garbage greedily. 
  7. The rapidly rising river rushed rampantly.

Finish these sentences with your own alliterations:
  1. Red roses roared, racing towards the rain
  2. While wandering, Wally wept worriedly.
  3. The tired traveller teleported through the time machine.

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