
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Market Day

What went well?

We worked together as a group very well. We all fulfilled what our roles indent and communicate with each other about the problems and obstacles that went in the way. During the market day, we managed to juggle in between jobs, although we didn’t expect the day to be as hectic as it is. We swapped roles when it comes to who frying the chips, heating up the cheese sauce or being outside the stall and collect customers. Our product sold out, so we didn’t have to worry about making up our profit.

What didn’t go well?

Since we didn’t have enough equipment, which is the lack of a portable stove, we had no other choice but to run back forth between the kitchen and the stall. We anticipated more time therefore not managing our time well. The fries to longer than expected, making the cheese harden when it’s ready, resulting in constantly keeping an eye for the sauce. Another thing that didn’t go well with the cheese is that after cooking the fries we instantly poured the cheese in and serving it on the table without any customers instantly buying it, cooling and hardening the cheese in the process.

What would you like to change?
If I had another chance of doing this, I would bring two portable stoves, so we didn’t have to tire our legs the whole 3 hours. Another thing I would like to change is how we connected to the customers, in order to lure more people into our product. I would also like to have bought more cheese so we wouldn’t have run out of the sauce and ended up having to put or products for sale.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Reading Comprehension

Rust 7-Double You

1. In paragraph 7, what does the word organ mean?
(b) parts of the body that perform specific functions.

2. Which animal does the text not mention as having been cloned
(c) dog.

3. 'How does the first sheep was cloned 'is the main idea of which paragraph?
(b) paragraph 5

4. How are an animal and its cloned offspring the same?
(c) they have the same genes

5. After two cells become an embryo, they
(c) are placed in the uterus

6. What was the writer's main reason for writing the text?
(b) to give general information about cloning

7.  If something is unethical, it:
(a) goes against moral principles or values.

8. We can conclude that successfully cloning the first sheep was difficult because:
(b) it took many attempts

9. Which answer is a fact, not an opinion? Cloning is:
(a)  a technical procedure.

10. Where would the two cells used to create Dolly have been fused?
(b) in a laboratory

11. An animal and its clone might behave differently because they have:
(c) different life experiences

12. There are different views on cloning summarises which paragraph?
(c) paragraph 7

13. Why human cloning is still experimental?
(a) the process hasn't been perfected yet

14. The pronoun them in Paragraph 5 refers to:
(b) the two cells.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Reading Comprehension

Messages Fuchsia 2

1. The word charlatan in Paragraph 1 means someone who:
(a) pretends to know things

2. You could conclude from the text that DAd:
(c) Think fortune tellers may know things others dont

3. After Dad's mother found the bankbook, she:
(c) went to the dry cleaners

4. Glad and Dad's grandmother were similar because they were:
(a)about the same age.

5. After listening to Dad, Juan's attitude about clairvoyants most likely:
(c) be more positive

6. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that dad is:
(c) not imaginative 

7. Which sentence summarises why Juan was angry and stormed inside?
(c) The girls had kept him waiting and he thought they'd been foolish.

8. Dad's mother is his uncle's
(a) sister

9. Dad's mother's brother kept phoning Dad's mother because:
(b) Glad kept insisting that he did so. 

10. It is a fact, not an opinion, that fortune teller:
(c) tell people about what they think will happen in the future

11. The text was written to:
(a) tell a story

12. Ellie is now most likely to believe the fortune teller she went to was:
(b) right

13. The missing bankbook would probably have been important to Dad's grandmother because she:
(a) won the money herself

14. The pronoun it in Paragraph 7 refer to the:
(b) bankbook

Rust 2
Nelson Mandela

1. The word reconciliation in Paragraph 2 means:
(b) harmony

2. What was different about the law firm of Mandela and Tambo?
(a) It helped black South Africans who couldn't afford to pay for legal help

3.Which words provide the best summary of Nelson Mandela's character?
(c) wise and determined

4.You could predict any project Mandela supported would be like to:
(c) be highly successful

5. The main idea of paragraph 1 is that Mandela was
(c) inspiring

6. Which statement would Mandela have been most likely to agree with?
(a) Nothing is ever achieved by violence.

7. People around the world asked Mandela for advice because:
(B) they admired his achievements and his character.

8: Mandela was given the name Nelson by his:
(c) teacher

9 You could conclude from the text that FW de Klerk:
(a) also worked hard for peace

10. It is a fact, not an opinon, that Mandela:
(B) was president of South Africa

11. The text was written to:
(a) tell a story

12. The first thing Mandela did was to
(b) go to Johannesburg

13. Mandela was different from Tambo because he:
(a) won a nobel prize

14. The pronoun  them in paragraph 4 refers to:
(c) Mandela and Tambo

Rust 7-Double You


Reading comprehension

Mystery of the school hall

1. (a) Fearful

2. (b) Mr Donati

3. (a) memorable

4.(a) gangly assortments

5. (a) th chairs

6. (b) tedious

7. (c) distracted

8.  (b) haunted

9. (c) entertain

10. (a) beneficial

11.(b) doors started slamming

12. (c) establish the background about the school premises,

13. (b) mentions the theatre and the magic club at the end of his speech.

(a) his attention was captured by the trick with the skeletal fingers.

Fuchsia 1

The elusive scarlet pimpernel
1 The word aristcrats in Paragraph 3 and 5 refer to:
(c) wealthy landowners

2. The french revolution occurred because of the common people
(c) paid heavy taxes to the king

3. Madame Guillotine was:
(a) used to chop off people's head

4. The 'Reign of Terror' lasted for 
(b) year

5. The novel about the Scarlet Pimpernel was written__The french revolution
(c) more than 100 years after

6. If an aristocraft begged fro his life at the guillotine, the crowd would probably have shouted
(a) off with his head

7. We can conclude that the common people revolted against the ruling classes because they were:
(c) desperate

8. The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel rescued French noblemen and women because of they:
(a) felt a loyalty towards them

9. The Scarlet Pimpernel was written as a work of
(b) fiction

10. It is a fact, not an opinion, that thousands of French nobility were:
(a) executed by guillotine

11. An adjective which might be used in a summary of the French Revolution is:
(c) brutal

12. In Paragraph 3, the pronoun they refer to the:

13. Sir Percy and his wife's brother are similar because they both:
(c) are in danger

14. The Scarlet Pimpernel was named after:
(a) small red flower

Monday 4 November 2019

Graph line- Maori vs European Population


1) What does the graph show us?

The graph shows the population of the Maori decreasing while the number of Europeans increased.

2) Why do you think the number of Maori change?

This can be, because of the Europeans arrival. Since the Europeans were more advanced, they brought weapons such as muskets. These weapons can put the Maori into a disadvantage and made it easier for them to be killed. These weapons also allowed the Maori to kill each other during wars.

3) Why do you think the numbers of Europeans changed?

Europeans had the upper hand when it comes to technology. The technology is used to exchange with the Maori, for materials such as food. This made it easier to live and create bigger families. This can also be the missionaries who migrated to New Zeland to turn it into a Christian country.

Image result for maori and europeans

Friday 1 November 2019

Essay brainstorm

Thesis-School should close when it's hotter than 30 degrees.

-Many countries experience intense heat every day but still, are able to go to school.
-The solution can be fixed by utilising air conditioning.
- Dehydration may occur causing distraction or disallowing concentration to do school work.
-30 degrees is a normal occurrence of temperature in other countries.
The heat is tolerable, especially when under a roof.

1. Many countries experience intense heat every day but still, are able to go to school.
2. The solution can be fixed by utilising air conditioning.
3. The heat is tolerable, especially when under a roof.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

English Comprehension Box

Tuesday, October 29th 2019

Maroon 3

Virtually You

1. An avatar is an image used as an online representation of a:

2. An avatar can allow computer users to show others something of their:
 (b) personality

3. How are the Hindu avatar and computing avatar similar?:
(b) They are both representations, not the actual person or god.

4. Which word in paragraph 3 is the opposite of dynamic in paragraph 6:
(c) Static

5. The writer wrote this text to:
(a) give information

6. Why might people use a generic avatar instead of creating their own?:
 (a) A lack of knowledge about how to create avatars.

7. An avatar in a virtual game would probably be:
(c) Four-dimensional 

8. The main idea of paragraph 4 is the internet users can be simple avatars to represent:
(b) themselves.

9. The last sentence on paragrpah 7 is:
(b) a conclusion

10. In paragraph 2, the pronoun it refers to a:
(a) a computer avatar

11. Which of these statements is a fact, not an opinion?:
(c) Avatars can either be static of dynamic.

12. Before using an avatar,  person would need to know the basic of:
(a) design programs

13. Some dynamic avatars can be seen to move and talk during video calls because they are used:
(b) in a virtual world

14.Which icon would a person most likely select first as an avatar:
(b) static

Coral 9

1. What does the word sarcastically in parapraph 3 mean?
c: Scornfully

2. Why was Ava dancing around?
(b) She'd hurt her foot

3. Tyler's personality was different from Ava's because  he:

4. What did Tyler do just before they first left the house?
(b) Took the rubbish Ava had put in the bin and put it in his pocket.

5. The main idea of paragraph 5 is that Tyler:
(a) has strange habbit

6. How might Ava treat Tyler after the events in the text?
(a) She might be less patronising and sarcastic towards him.

7. What could the moral of the story be?
(a) each to his and her own.

8. Tyler saved the day is the main idea of which paragraph?
(b) Paragraph 10

9. What caused Ava to forget her purse?
(a) she was in a hurry

10. Where were Ava and Tyler going?
(c) To see a film

11. What feelings probably caused Ava to kick the door?
(b) Anger, Frustration

12.Tyler had some odd habits is:
(b) An opinion

13. What was author's main purpose for writing this text?
(b) to tell a story

14. The pronoun it in she dropped it in Paragraph 5 refers to the:
(b) Piece of plastic

Friday 18 October 2019


Papatuanuku by Sofia Balboa

Interestingly many cultures have similar gods when it comes to diety, however, they all have different backgrounds and stories. For example the god of the forest for different cultures. For the Maori culture, their god for the forest is Tane Mahuta while the Greek's god is Dionysus.

The 6 Sentence Story

The 6 Sentence Story

Once upon a time, there lived a majestic horse. He lived in a whimsical forest with his friends.
The horse was the fastest creature there, being able to outrun every single breathing thing in the forest. One day the mesmerising horse tripped on a rock causing him to stumble, unable to move he panicked. No one was around to help him no matter how much he yelped for help. Eventually, a voice can be heard from the distance that came and rescued him for his despair.

Image result for horse in a forest

Thursday 17 October 2019

Essay Brainstorm

People under 16 should not be allowed energy drinks.

  1. Teenagers already have a lot of energy.
  2. They will be encouraged to drink sugary drinks and be used to it.
  3. Energy drinks contains a lot of sugar and can possibly lead to diabetes.
  4. Teenagers tend to be more active when it comes to sport therefore needing energy drinks.
  5. The sugary drink can interfere with puberty.

Thesis: Should teenager under 16 be allowed energy drinks?

  1. They will be encouraged to drink sugary drinks and be used to it.
  2. Energy drinks contain a lot of sugar and can possibly lead to diabetes.
  3. Teenagers tend to be more active when it comes to sport therefore needing energy drinks.

Putting them in order:

  1. Energy drinks contains a lot of sugar and can possibly lead to diabetes.
  2. The drink might contain a lot of caffeine that is not suitable for younger customers.
  3. They should be encouraged to drink healthier such as water.
Image result for energy drink gif

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Treaty of Waitangi

A treaty is a formal agreement and alliance between countries.
 Image result for treaty maori
Mana is the power of a person that possess high authority or presence. Someone respected or have dignity.
 Image result for mana maori
Crowns are people in charge at the time of a certain country. Usually a royal family. 
 Image result for royal family
Tangata Whenua
Directly translated to people of the land also known as the Maori.
 Image result for maori
Iwi is used to call a group of people such as tribes and communities.
 Image result for iwi maori
A country ruled by another powerful one.
 Image result for british colony
Having domination and power to govern itself or another country.
 Image result for sovereignty
A group of people that dictates what people do and create laws.
 Image result for governor clipart
The Maori word for sovereignty.
 Image result for sovereignty
The direct translation of governorship. However, it means to take care of the land and the people.
 Image result for Kawanatanga

Taonga is possession such as objects, lands and language. 

Image result for land new zealand

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Critical Literacy

Looking at 3 different videos of about drinking and driving, I noticed that they mostly target Maori and Pacific Islander males. Feeding into the stereotypes of masculinity and male of colour to be reckless drinkers, that is brainwashing the audience to think everyone they see that fit that description isn't sensible with alcohol. These videos show biasness towards women, only using them as extras or accessories for males but never use them as an example to have a tendency to drink and drive.

Essay Brainstorm

Climate Change Is A Lie

  • Ever since the ozone layer has been damaged some part of the world has gotten hotter.
  • Antartica has been slowly disintegrating.
  • Natural disasters that don't occur in the past has been happening now.
  • Rivers and ponds are starting to disappear.
  • More droughts
  • Forrest wildfires
Thesis: I'm arguing whether or not climate change is a lie.

3 ideas

  • Antartica has been slowly disintegrating.
  • Natural disasters that don't occur in the past has been happening now.
  • Forrest wildfires
Putting them in order:
  1. Natural disasters that don't occur in the past has been happening now.
  2. Antartica has been slowly disintegrating.
  3. Forrest wildfires
Image result for climate change gif

Image result for climate change gif

Friday 27 September 2019

Missing Letter Writing

Missing Letter Writing

A unicorn leapt into the clouds that revealed it's majestic horn, struttin' towards the lime, slimy toad. The toad repeatedly jumped up and down, that cause my sudden headache. The two creatures met and bowed to each other. Their friendly expression turned into a fierce one when they each pulled out a sharp sword. The dual between the two was intense only after a few seconds. The toad jumped up the unicorns back. Threatened by the toad the unicorn flicked it's mane back, that ended with the toad on floor. The toad wasn't ready to surrender, he went under the opponent and punctured its stomach. As the reaction to the attack, the wounded fell flat on the surface, the toad squished in the process. With the toad still unconscious, the unicorn was declared the winner for this year's annual battle.

Image result for unicorn gif

Horror Camping Story

"Finally" I sighed after hauling the last luggage in the car. I rushed off to the passenger seat since I was assigned to be the navigator. "Ready to have the best time of your life, Sean?" Greg shouted in excitement. I heard I few shouts and woo's in the back the car. I nodded still feeling sketchy about the whole situation and me being a control freak, I didn't feel as relieved due to the fact that I wasn't in charge of the planning like I had always been.

After passing by the same views of trees, animals, and farms we finally arrived at the dock, where we will be transferring our haul from the car to a boat, in order to reach our destination. Destination, Stranded Island. Seeing my body tremble while carrying one of the heavy loads filled with our camping equipment, Dan decided to give me a hand. I gave him a quick smile and he responded with a bigger one. As the boat finally started to propel, I felt a sudden gush of wind slapping my whole body, leaving goosebumps all over my arms. As time ticks, the dock started to shrink until it was just a blurry dot in the distance.

 The island was surrounded by tall oak trees that have been wrapped in vines, in the middle was a perfect ground to set up camp, the grass was shaved cleanly in a perfect circle but the grass surrounding it looked like it wasn't maintained since the stone age.

 "Hey don't you think it's weird that the grass in the middle looked like it has only been mowed an hour ago while the rest is our knee-length?" I asked Walt with my confused face, he mirrored the same expression when he finally realised, he was about to open his mouth when Greg butted in our conversation "Come on man, stop being the party pooper and loosen up"

The night came quicker than we expected, we had just finished setting up the tent. I took the initiative and looked for kindle to light the campfire. As I picked up the piece of timber, my skin spiked up acting as a detector for a presence near me, I looked up and saw two shadows, it was quick to disappear. The bright bulb in my brain told me to satisfy my curiosity and follow the unidentified shadows. As if on cue with my foot taking a leap forward, Greg called me. I re-routed my step still feeling intrigued about the mysterious shadows.

We were all gathered around the fiery ball in the middle to keep our ice-cold skin warm, busy catching up, asking each other how our life has been when Greg butted in, having an idea of sharing scary stories to each other. Cliche. We all refused, giving him an 'are you kidding' look. He chuckled and continued to do what he intended. "I heard that this Island was famous for its history" we all faced him, slowly creeping up to him, giving him a sign to continue the story. "Apparently, 4 guys camped in this same exact islan-"

"That sounds exactly like us," Walt said, unintentionally making my eyes roll.

Thinking it was going to be a discussion about actual history, I immediately blocked my ears refusing to listen to their nonsense conversation and diverted my attention to grilling my already burnt ashy marshmallow and continue to fill my stomach.

After devouring a whole feast of roasted rodents I finally felt satisfied and headed towards my designated tent. Seeing all my travel buddies already inside, I slowly pulled down the shiny new zip, revealing Dan sound asleep. I stealthily moved towards him, afraid of one wrong move that will interrupt his deep slumber. Finally releasing a long sigh, I got to lay my eyes down and catch some z's. Bang, my eyes quickly shot up along with my body. I peaked outside the tent to see where the noise came from. Greg and Walt's tent was lit up showing a clear silhouette of a man with a knife in his hand with another sitting up. I panicked frantically shaking Dan's leg to wake him up. I looked back at the scene, the man with a knife was no longer standing inside the tent and the other man wasn't sitting but now lying down. I glanced to see the sleeping Dan finally starting to gain consciousness.

"Dan, wake up!!!" I whisper shouted at him.

"Why?" He mumbled along with a groan.

"I think something happened to Greg and Walt"

I tugged his arm, forcing him to get up.  I scanned the perimeter to see if the armed man was still around. I sneaked towards the tent across to find a bloody Walt with a big cut across his chest, exposing his organs. I gasped from the sight and looked away, refusing the fact that, that's his current state right now. I saw Dan's eyes started to fill with his tears. As a friend, I felt the need to rub my hands across his back to the comfort him about the current situation.

Despite just discover one of my friend's dead body, I understand I needed to run away from the scene unless I want my body to be next to his. I swayed my hands back and forth to signal Dan to move. We ran across the island passing by many tall trees. I halted when I saw a shadow of a man with a knife and a gun in his hands in front of our ride out of this hell. Reacting to the situation I stood behind one of the tall trees to reduce the risk of being seen by the anonymous man and told Dan to do the same.
At this moment a certain someone popped up in my head, Greg. Where is Greg? He might still be alive, I need to save him. I opened my mouth ready to tell Dan about the idea of saving Walt when I heard a familiar tune being whistled. The sound was starting to become more audible indicating, whoever that voice belongs to was coming closer.  I peaked to see who was whistling, only to have the biggest revelation in my life.

It was Greg. He was the armed man? Did he kill Walt? Was he the culprit? My eyes popped when we made eye contact. I went back in my hiding spot hoping that he didn't see me. "Come on Sean, I already saw you" I froze to the sound of my name being called out I looked to my side to see a frightened Dan. I slowly surrendered and showed my myself to the betrayer. "Did you kill him? Did you kill Walt?" I asked refusing to make eye contact. When Greg was about to speak, another shadow went out of hiding, covered in blood. "Who said I was dead?" the shadow spoke revealing him holding a gun.

Seeing it was 1 versus 2, I grab a hold of the frightened Dan heading for the direction of the boat. I ran like Hussain Bolt when he was about to beat the record, hearing screaming and shouting behind me.  Seeing that I gained 5 metres ahead of them I quickly jumped in on the vehicle and started rowing like my life depends on it. After getting a distance away from the dock I looked back seeing two silhouettes waving.

After letting the boat afloat overnight. I slowly lifted my eyes getting a blurry vision of Dan carrying a sharp object. I blinked to see it if what I was seeing was real or just an illusion. After getting the confirmation I sat up in a hurry and tried to grab the knife. Just my luck, I missed my chance of surviving by 1cm. Next thing I knew a stinging pain can be felt around my chest area. I was sure I was awake but can only see darkness until eventually, I can no longer hear a thing...
Image result for scary camping gif

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Critical Literacy-Musicals

Facial hair


Little shop of horrors

How are adults constructed in this text?
This text perfectly portrayed the stereotype for a woman. They were constructed to be quiet and soft, dressed up in frilly dresses, full face of makeup and perfect hair waking up. When she was singing about her dream life she desired to own a beautiful house that she wanted to clean and cook at, a typical feminine job.

What kind of social reality does this text portrait?
Similar to real-life people were expected for the men to be responsible for earning the money for the household and the women to clean, raise their children serve food at the table. Only until recently that stereotype was broken, women are now able to work and men are able to raise their children.

How does this text construct a version of reality?
Society has always portrayed guys to be manly and dominant and on the other hand, girls to be delicate and obey what their spouse says. These types of stereotype stir up drama between the two genders and often people feel left out or confused about their identity because of it.

What different interpretation of the text is possible?

Legally Blonde

How are adults constructed in this text?
This text constructed adults to believe beautiful blonde women are stupid and aren't capable of passing high education. However, Elle broke those stereotypes despite being beautiful she was able to be accepted. Opposite of the other female in the other text she was loud and speaks her mind.

What kind of social reality does this text portrait?
There are some cases in real life where people would do anything to be with the love of their life to a point they are forced to do something that's out of character.

How does this text construct a version of reality?

Essay Brainstorming

Children under 14 should not have cell phones.

-2.They are able to contact people especially in case of emergency if they have a phone.
-3.Use phone to research things
-Shouldn't be able to have phones because they might come across some stuff in the internet they wouldnt want to see.
-1.Not smart enough to make decisions or easily driven by their emotions can be start of cyber bulliying or get badly affected by bad comments.

1.Not smart enough to make decisions or easily driven by their emotions can be start of cyber bulliying or get badly affected by bad comments.

2.They are able to contact people especially in case of emergency if they have a phone.

3.Use phone to research things

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Sentence Starter Writing

“With great power comes great responsibility”

With all his might, determined to overcome the great mountain towering him, he continued to hike along the rocky path with drops of sweat dripping down his face, making his visions blurry. Using all his strength, he gained the power to push through the abrupt part of the mountain. 'Oh no here comes the steepest part' he thought. Only having one more step to reach the mountain, he felt a wave of relief in his body, proud of conquering the great mountain. He felt a sense of responsibility for himself to keep pushing and achieving his goals.


Tuesday, September 17th 2019


What I did well?
The trampoline was the easiest for me and I think that's the part I did well, I am able to do one of the sets on it.

What do I need to improve on?
I feel that my forward roll needs improving. It doesn't look smooth and I end up rolling to the side instead of forward.

How can I improve?
Have a better starting position before doing it.

Tuesday 24th September

The sequence that I can do:

Thursday 12 September 2019

Bar Graph SEEL Paragraph

The bar graph clearly shows evidence of population increase due to the change in technology.
Gathering all the information from our map and timeline, the same countries were plotted on the bar graph to show the number of people on the earth starting with the world's population being less than 1 billion and ending with over 5. The reason for this sudden increase is due to technology, as technology advance, the more solutions we have for our human problems. For example, the invention of weapons 400,000 years ago helped the human civilisation tremendously, helping hunt animals for food, fur and etc. this invention moved our position from being in the middle to the top of the food chain. Another example is the invention of the steam engine in Belgium in 1859 which was shown on the timeline started the evolution for trains, being able to travel from one country to another, making us humans have more access to resources. Without the advancement of technology, the population wouldn't be able to reach half the amount we have now.

Dear Writer's Block

Dear Writer's Block

We had our ups and downs, I had given you a chance to foster over me and you let me rest after all the hard work I've done. Sadly I don't think I can be with you anymore, the time has come for us to part ways. I need to further  improve myself and  I can only do that if I let go of you. I am thankful for all the memory we shared together, I promise I will treasure it.

 Until I see you again,


Alphabet Story

Alphabet Story

"A boo-boo" cries, Danny. Efficiently Florence got Hammy the Iguana, judgement kenned Mum, noisy, offended people, qued round, surrounding them, under-pressure, viewing the woman, "xxxshhhhhh" they yelled zipping Danny's mouth.

Image result for alphabet gif

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Crazy Lyrical Dialogue.


I hit Fairfax, go shoppin' though-Too Young by Post Malone
Spin endless circles in the bar-Nothing breaks like a heart by Mark Ronson, Miley Cirus
Wore my heart out on a chain-8 Billie Eilish

As Mark Ronson and Miley Cirus kept themselves busy spinning endless circles in the bar, the two people that they were dreading to see, finally step foot on their door, Billie and Post. " Um...Where have you two been?" Mark said trembeling "We hit Fairfax, went shoppin' though" Post exclaimed with a ghetto accent to emphasise his dominance over the two.                                                                 "You see this" Billie said holding up her shimmering chains "Wear my heart out on my new chain" Mark nodded and so did Miley hesitantly as the four of them went their sepeperate ways.

Image result for music gif


Tuesday 10 September 2019


Can tell others the ways how I like to learn and what suits me best.

Open my mind to more ways to learn.
Every week try out different ways that can improve my learning.
Pick a way that I liked and tell others about it.

Friday 6 September 2019


First Madlib:

I enjoy long, Salty walks on the beach, getting Admired in the rain and serendipitous encounters with Socks. I really like piña coladas mixed with Milk, and romantic, candle-lit Chair. I am well-read from Dr Seuss to Barrack Obama. I travel frequently, especially to Christchurch, when I am not busy with work. (I am a Doctor.) I am looking for Pen and beauty in the form of a Filipino goddess. She should have the physique of Michelle Obama and the Book of Reign. I would prefer if she knew how to cook, clean, and wash my Bobby Pins. I know I’m not very attractive in my picture, but it was taken 28 days ago, and I have since become more Sour

Second Madlib:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Donal Duck Tinkle,

Will you let me Dream your Glass? Ever since I have laid Collarbones on Rachel, I have Licked madly in love with her. I wish that she will be the Dirt of my Water Droplets and that someday we will Wish happily ever after. I have a Umbrella as a/an Cleaner that pays $1000 each month. I promise to CookRachel with kindness and respect.

Perrywinkle Bread Genie

Third Madlib:

Dear School Nurse:
Spanky Notario will not be attending school today. He/she has come down with a case of Lung Cancer and has horrible Inhalers and a/an Ugly fever. We have made an appointment with the Sad Dr. Lucious, who studied for many years in Hornby High School and has 120 degrees in pediatrics. He will send you all the information you need. Thank you!
Mrs. Disgusting

Fourth Madlib:

Dear Reign Reyes,

It has come to my Rose that you are the Loudest girl/boy in the Brush. My Cheeks starts Assume a Chocolate every time you speak. I would like to run if you want to go to the Prom with me next Saturday. If you Kiss please Hate me at the Auditorium in 8am To 10pm. I Consent you and everything about you. 


Make your own adlib here:



Hyperbole-An exaggeration of facts

E.g My head is killing me!
For each of the following sentences, does it have a hyperbole or not. 
  1. I’m so hungry I could eat a whole elephant! (Hyperbole/Not)
  2. May is the nicest month of the year. (Hyperbole/Not)
  3. Her brightly coloured dress hurt his eyes. (Hyperbole/Not)
  4. The roof rose up and down to the rhythm of the music. (Hyperbole/Not)
  5. I ate all of my salad for lunch.  (Hyperbole/Not)
  6. The dog was so dirty it had a tomato plant growing on its back. (Hyperbole/Not)

Turn each of these into a Hyperbole sentence:
The first is done for you.
An old car- The car is older than the hills.
A strong wind.- The wind was stronger than Arnold Schwarzenegger
A headache.- It feels like there is a tornado inside my head.
A fast computer-The computer was faster than lightning
A funny movie-The movie made me laugh so hard I developed a six-pack.

A hot pan- The hot pan felt like lava.
A loud, crying baby- The sound of the crying baby can be heard from space.
Heavy groceries-Carrying the groceries is my weekly workout.
A scary dog-The dog can scare a lion.