
Wednesday 30 October 2019

English Comprehension Box

Tuesday, October 29th 2019

Maroon 3

Virtually You

1. An avatar is an image used as an online representation of a:

2. An avatar can allow computer users to show others something of their:
 (b) personality

3. How are the Hindu avatar and computing avatar similar?:
(b) They are both representations, not the actual person or god.

4. Which word in paragraph 3 is the opposite of dynamic in paragraph 6:
(c) Static

5. The writer wrote this text to:
(a) give information

6. Why might people use a generic avatar instead of creating their own?:
 (a) A lack of knowledge about how to create avatars.

7. An avatar in a virtual game would probably be:
(c) Four-dimensional 

8. The main idea of paragraph 4 is the internet users can be simple avatars to represent:
(b) themselves.

9. The last sentence on paragrpah 7 is:
(b) a conclusion

10. In paragraph 2, the pronoun it refers to a:
(a) a computer avatar

11. Which of these statements is a fact, not an opinion?:
(c) Avatars can either be static of dynamic.

12. Before using an avatar,  person would need to know the basic of:
(a) design programs

13. Some dynamic avatars can be seen to move and talk during video calls because they are used:
(b) in a virtual world

14.Which icon would a person most likely select first as an avatar:
(b) static

Coral 9

1. What does the word sarcastically in parapraph 3 mean?
c: Scornfully

2. Why was Ava dancing around?
(b) She'd hurt her foot

3. Tyler's personality was different from Ava's because  he:

4. What did Tyler do just before they first left the house?
(b) Took the rubbish Ava had put in the bin and put it in his pocket.

5. The main idea of paragraph 5 is that Tyler:
(a) has strange habbit

6. How might Ava treat Tyler after the events in the text?
(a) She might be less patronising and sarcastic towards him.

7. What could the moral of the story be?
(a) each to his and her own.

8. Tyler saved the day is the main idea of which paragraph?
(b) Paragraph 10

9. What caused Ava to forget her purse?
(a) she was in a hurry

10. Where were Ava and Tyler going?
(c) To see a film

11. What feelings probably caused Ava to kick the door?
(b) Anger, Frustration

12.Tyler had some odd habits is:
(b) An opinion

13. What was author's main purpose for writing this text?
(b) to tell a story

14. The pronoun it in she dropped it in Paragraph 5 refers to the:
(b) Piece of plastic

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