
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Market Day

What went well?

We worked together as a group very well. We all fulfilled what our roles indent and communicate with each other about the problems and obstacles that went in the way. During the market day, we managed to juggle in between jobs, although we didn’t expect the day to be as hectic as it is. We swapped roles when it comes to who frying the chips, heating up the cheese sauce or being outside the stall and collect customers. Our product sold out, so we didn’t have to worry about making up our profit.

What didn’t go well?

Since we didn’t have enough equipment, which is the lack of a portable stove, we had no other choice but to run back forth between the kitchen and the stall. We anticipated more time therefore not managing our time well. The fries to longer than expected, making the cheese harden when it’s ready, resulting in constantly keeping an eye for the sauce. Another thing that didn’t go well with the cheese is that after cooking the fries we instantly poured the cheese in and serving it on the table without any customers instantly buying it, cooling and hardening the cheese in the process.

What would you like to change?
If I had another chance of doing this, I would bring two portable stoves, so we didn’t have to tire our legs the whole 3 hours. Another thing I would like to change is how we connected to the customers, in order to lure more people into our product. I would also like to have bought more cheese so we wouldn’t have run out of the sauce and ended up having to put or products for sale.

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