
Sunday 10 March 2019

Part Two-Storked


"You can't change laws without first changing human nature." - Nurse Greta
"You can't change human nature without first changing the law." -Nurse Young

Risa overhears two nurses debating law and human nature. Which argument do you think is stronger? Why do you think this? Write a paragraph explaining your thoughts on law and human nature.
In my opinion, I think Nurse Young's argument was stronger. If there are no laws, everyone would have the freedom to do anything, people have a sinful nature, that leads them to choose the wrong decision, this where laws come to place in order to discipline them so people know how to behave.

This section opens with a mother abandoning her newborn infant on the doorstep of a house in a good neighbourhood. As she leaves, she thinks "How wonderful it is that she can get a second chance. How wonderful it is that she can dismiss her responsibility so easily."  In your opinion, by allowing new mothers to give up their children so readily, does it take away from the value of a child?  
No, I don't think it takes away the value of a child because a child's life is priceless, to begin with, life is a gift that you can't give a valuation to.

What is the role of a mother? Do you think the title of mother is something that should be earned, or a natural right of the woman who gave birth?

Once you had given birth to a baby it immediately makes you the biological mother, no matter how much you hate being a mother, your gene is still imprinted to that child, which means it's your responsibility to take care of it to give it food, water, shelter, love and raise it well.

What skills or attributes do Connor and Risa have that work well together?

Connor and Risa are similar in a way that their both independent, brave and bright however they're the complete opposite, Connor thinks spontaneously whilst Risa thinks carefully, which can be an advantage in a way that Risa helps Connor think more responsibly and make careful decisions. Both of them being smart, they can come up with clever plans fast to help them survive.

Connor and Lev have very different experiences with storking. How has this helped shape each of their attitudes toward the society they live in?

Lev's experience with storking has been positive that makes him think it's something that always has a good outcome whilst Connor's experience is nothing but bad, blaming himself to what happened leading him to think about the feelings of other and empathetic.

Connor is concerned the baby won't be loved, and ultimately will die, so he takes it. What does this show us about him as a person?  
It shows that Connor is very considerate, and sensitive about a person's feeling even if it's baby. It also shows that Connor doesn't want anyone to go through the same experience his family went through.

What makes Lev realise he doesn't want to be unwound? P79
Pastor Dan, the man he looks up to and respects highly, places him back to his senses to convince Lev that it isn't right to unwind and there are no such things as tithes and sacrificing a human.

Each of the other characters on the run has a tragic background story. Why were Hayden, Roland and Mai set to be unwound? Which, do you think, is the most tragic? Explain your response.

Hayden's parents didn't want each other to take him so they decided to unwind him instead. Roland took revenge on his stepfather for abusing his mother but it ends up to his mother siding with his stepfather. Mai's parents didn't want a girl so her parents wanted to unwind her.

All their stories are very sad but I think Roland's was the most tragic, the feeling of betrayal. Someone you risked your life for because of love still chose the person that's hurting them, instead of you, the one who is shielding them from getting damaged, is one of the worst feelings.

What tattoo does Roland have?

He has a shark tattooed on his forearm

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