
Wednesday 27 March 2019


Part Four-Destinations

This section opens with Lev in a pawnbroker's. What does this tell you about how his character is changing?
Lev is starting to gain more confidence making him come across as fearless and intelligent when bribing adults. He also is getting better at making decisions when trying to elaborate a plan.

While being transported to possible safety, some of the kids on the run wonder, "Would it be better to die or be unwound?" If given the choice, which would you choose? Why? This response requires more than one or two sentences! Put forward at least three reasons why you think what you do.

I'd rather die than to be unwound, at least I died knowing no one wanted to sacrifice me for someone else's sake, making me feel loved. Another reason is I don't want to lose to the government who "unwound" (kill) helpless teenagers for being teenagers. If they do harvest my organs, it may help people in need but a part of me would still be in that organ that would just cause more trouble to the person it got lent to.

Another question the kids in the book discuss is, "If every part of you is still alive but inside someone else, are you alive or are you dead?" They also wonder if consciousness can exist even if it's spread out and if the soul remains intact. What do you think? Read Thomas Hobbes' Ship of Theseus puzzle to help you make a decision. Be sure to reference it in your answer!

I think that you're still alive but alive in different people where you can control a different part of them. Like Tyler, even if he's dead he can still control Cy-Fi's brain and tell him what to do without Cy-Fi's consciousness.

This section of the novel sees Lev and Cy-Fi finally make it to Joplin. As they get closer, Cy-Fi's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic. What are some of the things he does, or things he likes, that are not his own behaviours or memories?
Cy-Fi was starting to twitch uncontrollably as if Tyler (The uwound that gave Ci-fy a part of his brain) was trying to possess him. Unlike Cy-Fi he wasn't as confident when leading the way or giving advice he seemed quieter and he dropped the accent. Tyler's noticeable trait, being a kleptomaniac was taking over Cy-Fi's big personality driving him to steal anything he finds shiny and expensive.  

What was Cy-Ty hiding in his backyard? Pg 185-194

He was hiding a collection of shiny and expensive things that he stole in the past.

The section ends with Cy-Ty reaching his destination. What do you think of his parents' behaviour? What does Lev's support show you about his character?

Tyler's parent's behaviour was completely understandable. Even if they're not seeing their actual son, a part of him still lives inside Cy-Fi, like seeing a ghost of their son possessing another person's body to haunt them.

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The following is a response from eBay with regard to a seller's attempt to auction his soul online in 2001.
Thank you for taking the time to write eBay with your concerns. I'm happy to help you further.
If the soul does not exist, eBay could not allow the auctioning of the soul because there would be nothing to sell. However, if the soul does exist, then in accordance with eBay's policy on human parts and remains we would not allow the auctioning of human souls. The soul would be considered human remains; and although it is not specifically stated on the policy page, human souls are still not allowed to be listen on eBay. Your auction was removed appropriately, and will not be reinstated. Please do not relist this item with us in the future.  
You may review our policy at the following link:
It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing eBay.

Activity: In pairs, come up with a new way that your soul could be kept. For example, in Phillip Pullman's Dark Materials series, souls are daemons and take the form of animals. They live alongside their person. Can you devise an interesting way that your soul might become detached, or kept safe?  

My partner has discussed and had an idea that souls are kept safe in heaven until it's time for it to come back on earth to be reborn and live life until it's time for them to die and the cycle repeats over again.

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