
Tuesday 14 May 2019

Writing Practice

Writing Practice

5. The Adverb Start-Adverb: Describing words use for verbs e.g Curiously, Quickly, Often, Rapidly, Importantly, Firstly, Remarkably, Similarly, Significantly, Surprisingly, Readily. (use prefix makes it opposite e.g un, anti, etc). Commas go after the adverb.

Surprisingly, Mrs Handley was on time for class.
Curiously, the group of friends check the classroom to see if anyone's inside.
Readily, the pupils stood up to greet their teacher.

6. Begin With A Preposition- Try starting your sentence with a preposition. Prepositions are little words indicating movement or position e.g against, before, between, over, behind, within, under, below, at, for, throughout, near, about, prior.

Behind the door, was a puppy hiding. 
Throughout the period, everyone was listening to the teacher.
Under the tables, are chewed up bubblegum.

Basic Body Paragraph
Point: state the point you are trying to convey in your paragraph. (State the point you want to make)
Evidence: provide your evidence in support of your point. (2 or 3 sentences that give evidence to support your point)
Explain: give some explanation about what your evidence demonstrates or shows. (3-4 sentences that explain your point)
Link: Write a linking sentence to the next paragraph, or back to the question. (1-2 sentences linking to the next paragraph and point.)

For example, the movie made of Wonder is very different from the book. It leaves out lots of information. In the book the main teacher is female but in the movie they are male. Also, the camp incident missed out the info about Auggies hearing aide. This incident made....For these reasons, the book is clearly better than the movie.

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