
Friday 31 May 2019

Coding in DTE

What had we been learning?

For the past few weeks, in DTE we had been playing around with  Sphero Edu. An app that ables you to code anything you want to a robot. We were first introduced to it by codding the robot to go through a maze, controlling it to turn corners on a certain angle, stopping it on time and controlling the speed to get a hang of the app and see where things are. We then went through tutorial videos provided by the Sphero Edu website that taught us how to create games from the app, like the Toss  Hot Potato and Spinning top game teaching us about variables, sound and lights that further enhanced our knowledge on coding. After getting to know the app, we were then assigned to create our own, taking inspirations from the Sphero Edu website community and the games we learnt beforehand. I decided to code a memory toss game, inspired by the toss and spinning top game.

My plan for my game:

The memory toss game should be like the toss game from the website, however, instead of playing random animal sound it should play random times the lights would blink.

Sphero would detect how many times a player tosses the ball.

Aim: To test your memory by counting how many times the sphero blinked and toss it the same time it blinked.

Memory Toss Game

How to create the game?

Drag the loop forever block under the “on start program” this way you can continue playing without starting the program all over again.

Then go to the light and grab the main LED and put it inside the loop forever-this way you wont to keep clicking start to continue the game, since it would run until you tell it to stop.

Change to colour to black to take the lights away from the Sphero ball.

Then create variables and name them, after, before, answer, loops and puzzle. Makes sure to select number and keep it 0-Variables are blocks that you can set a value to later on.

Now go back to the variables tab and select the set __ to 0 blocks and place it underneath the main led block.

Now create a row of it using four of those.

Then change the middle bit to after, before, loops, puzzle in order.

After, put random integer from 0 to 0 from the operator to where the o zero is in “set puzzle to 0”

Change the integer from 1 to 9  this way Sphero would give a random number to blink from 1 to 9.

Delay it for 3 seconds.

Now set the back led to whatever intensity you want, I’m gonna set mine to 50

Get the “strobe (colour) for block” from the light section change the colour to white.

Set the seconds to 0.5.

Now get your variable puzzle and replace the 0 with it.

Go back to “main LED” and set the colour to black again with the black-led to 0.

This time delay it for 2 seconds.

Grab the “loop until block” and “place the true && true block” and put it inside.

In the comparators section, you can find a block that goes like this: 0 === 0, place it inside the true spaces on the left and right.

Change the left side to greater than ( > ) and keep the right side as is.

Replace the 0 with the loop variable.

On the right side where it says 0 === 0 change the left 0 with “after” and replace the right side with “before”.

Go back to the variable tab and select the “set after to 0 blocks” and place two underneath the “loop until block”.

For the first one change, the “after” to “before” and for the one underneath it change the “after” to “loops” and set the number to one.

Now delay it for 1.2 seconds.

Now we are gonna make it so it makes a sound and light if the player is either or wrong or right.

Take the if true then block and place it underneath the loop until block.

Put the 0===0 block inside the true space. Change the left side to answer and the right side to puzzle.

Then go to the sound and select the “play random sound and wait”, change the random to the achievement sound under the game section. This would be the sound that will play if the player succeeds.

Change the wait to continue by tapping it.

Now we are gonna make the sphero turn green by going to the light section and grabbing the strobe for block and changing the colour to green. Then change the time to 0.2 seconds and change the 0 to 3 making the sphero blink green light for 3 seconds.

Now put main led to black so it won't show a different colour.

Do the same if the player fails but change the sound to fail and instead of green change it to red.

Now were are going to create a new block group.

Select the event section and drag the freefall block anywhere in the space of the screen. This will indicate to do a certain program while the sphero is in the air.

Go back to variables and drag the set ___ to ___ block and set it to answer.

Now go to operators and get the 0 + 0 block and put it inside the right side of the set block.

Get the “answer” variable and put it on the right side of the block of the “0+0” block.

Now get the main LED block again and change it to blue and connect it with the set block.

Go to the sound bar and choose “play random sound and wait”.

Replace random with the nudge sound.

Delay it for 0.5 seconds.

Lastly, connect the main LED block to the delay block and change it to black.

Image result for sphero edu ball

This is what it should look like

Instructions of the game:
The instruction of the game is simple, once the start button is pressed, wait for the Sphero to blink, simultaneously count how many times it blinked, the number that's been counted should be the same amount, Sphero is tossed to succeed in the game.

What did you learn?

I learnt how to code not just in the computers but taking coding into real life. I was also informed about the Sphero Edu app and it's function, creating a programme to create a game, adjust the lights and sounds for a robot to follow.

What will you do next time?

If I got the chance to do this again, I would advise myself to do something simpler, so I won't have to be stressed out on coding.


Monday 27 May 2019



What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learnt or that we discussed in class? 
Something I learnt from the past weeks is how to measure the area and circumference of the circle.
A= r²π
C= dxπ

What question do you still have about it?
Who made the formula? How did they come up with the pie and why is it used to measure a circle?

Describe a mistake or misconception that you or a classmate had in class. What did you learn from this mistake or misconception?
I had a misconception of finding the area of a circle by multiplying the diameter by pie instead of the radius which is half of the diameter. I also often forget to square the radius (Multiply it by itself).

What new vocabulary or terms were introduced?
A new word that was introduced to me was 'Circumference' which is the outside of the circle. I was used to calling the outside of a shape, a perimeter that I didn't know a circle has a special word for it.

Thursday 23 May 2019

Migration Letter (Reposted)

Lily Rose
Christchurch, New Zealand

May 17th 1950
           James Rose
London, England

Dear, Mother and Father

Life had been remarkably challenging back in London, it’s started to get overcrowded there hence the lack of job opportunity, I know you guys will acknowledge my dreams and let me pursue to be a well-known tailor, I always had admired tailoring clothes and I wouldn’t be able to reach my dreams with the lack of opportunities there. Children are also being exploited, forcing them to work in dangerous conditions making me worry about my future child’s fate if I stay there. The houses are also poorly made having no running water and toilet inside leading to share bathrooms with strangers, on top of that they’re built so close together, leaving me no privacy, all I could hear all day and night was our neighbour’s gossips. The pollution, it’s starting to get even worse the air is all covered in a thick black fog if I didn’t leave my lungs would be filled with that disgusting thing by now. The pollution and lack of running water in the houses isn’t helping with the diseases either, I can’t risk my health anymore almost everyone in our neighbourhood has caught a disease at least one at a household gets Typhus, Typhoid, and Cholera from drinking dirty water that contains faeces due to the poor water filter system. Please be careful of the disease going around, only if you guys agreed upon my request of migrating to another country I wouldn’t have left you there (I’m deeply sorry for being selfish).

As you know one month prior to my migration, I was seeking for a job, I travelled all over the city looking for companies that would hire a tailor, this was when I found a poster promoting a new life in another country, it felt like it was calling my name and is the only way out of this hell, the picture was very enticing, so I decided to pursue it.

Before boarding the ship, I had mix feelings, I contemplated whether or not to stay, to leave everything behind there including my family and friends but  I’m glad to say that I made the right decisions living here but sadly I couldn’t say the same about the trip. The steerage had a wood interior, it wasn’t as big as I thought especially for the number of people boarding, the majority of the spaces was taken up by rows of bunk bed that stack up to three, enough to fit a slender person, in the middle are long tables for passengers to lounge in. The ship was filled with families, many children ran around despite the tight space, the sound of the babies crying still echoes in my ear reminding me about my family leaving me to feel very lonely, I couldn’t help but tear up. Halfway through the trip, it felt like I was losing my mind, I even had thoughts of jumping out of the ship, sick of smelling body odour that surrounds  the atmosphere, and looking at the same layout, faces and eating the same plain, dried, tasteless food they serve every day, during that time, mum, I missed your cooking, I wanted to go home and run up to your arms. The only thing that kept me sane was the books that I brought and the sea life we pass through admiring the beautiful creation making me forget about the never-ending trip, they also hold concerts inside the ship to entertain passengers but it still couldn’t help me erase the memories of witnessing the number of deaths on board. The diseases were caused by the lack of hygiene, we had limited fresh water supplies that weren’t able to clean everyone and had a restriction of being able to drink 3.4 litres of water a day.

All of the sufferings came to a halt when I arrived in paradise. Getting off the ship a smell of fresh air entered my nose, the cold breeze made my skin shivered but the sun made it warm again. At first, I was lost, I didn’t know where to go but I found it very exciting, I admit that I enjoyed being independent building my own legacy and starting a new life from scratch. After migrating here I met a lot of new friends, they toured me around the country, they took me to  all the beautiful places here, driving around, I haven’t seen anything bad about this place, it was perfect, not a single pollution was in the air, the ground was still covered in greenery and hills were still filled with trees and bushes, the mountain's peak wasn’t visible due to the long white cloud covering it, and the rivers were still clear as glass. Being beautiful and clean wasn’t the only advantage this place had, it also has a lot of new opportunities not just for me but my future children, unlike London where people struggled looking for a job, companies here are actually the one seeking for people. Did I mention that I got a job as I tailor? It has a good paycheck, more than enough to feed myself. I also meet new customers every day that compliments my work recommending me to their friends, that encourages me to stay inspired to what I do and continue pursuing my dreams of being a famous tailor. Despite feeling like I was living a lavish life, I still felt like something was missing, I miss you guys, maybe after reading this it will somehow convince you to migrate here with me and hopefully, this would lessen your anger towards me. I had saved up enough to buy a house that could fit the whole family in, settling here isn’t hard and many opportunities await...

Your Daughter,

Lily Rose

Monday 20 May 2019

Migration Letter

Lily Rose
Christchurch, New Zealand

May 17th 1950
           James Rose
London, England

Dear, Mother and Father

Life had been remarkably challenging back in London, it’s started to get overcrowded there hence the lack of job opportunity, I know you guys will acknowledge my dreams and let me pursue to be a well-known tailor, I always had admired tailoring clothes and I wouldn’t be able to reach my dreams with the lack of opportunities there. Children are also being exploited, forcing them to work in dangerous conditions making me worry about my future child’s fate if I stay there. The houses are also poorly made having no running water and toilet inside leading to share bathrooms with strangers, on top of that they’re built so close together, leaving me no privacy, all I could hear all day and night was our neighbour’s gossips. The pollution, it’s starting to get even worse the air is all covered in a thick black fog if I didn’t leave my lungs would be filled with that disgusting thing by now. The pollution and lack of running water in the houses isn’t helping with the diseases either, I can’t risk my health anymore almost everyone in our neighbourhood has caught a disease at least one at a household gets Typhus, Typhoid, and Cholera from drinking dirty water that contains faeces due to the poor water filter system. Please be careful of the disease going around, only if you guys agreed upon my request of migrating to another country I wouldn’t have left you there (I’m deeply sorry for being selfish).

As you know one month prior to my migration, I was seeking for a job, I travelled all over the city looking for companies that would hire a tailor, this was when I found a poster promoting a new life in another country, it felt like it was calling my name and is the only way out of this hell, the picture was very enticing, so I decided to pursue it.

Before boarding the ship, I had mix feelings, I contemplated whether or not to stay, to leave everything behind there including my family and friends but  I’m glad to say that I made the right decisions living here but sadly I couldn’t say the same about the trip. The steerage had a wood interior, it wasn’t as big as I thought especially for the number of people boarding, the majority of the spaces was taken up by rows of bunk bed that stack up to three, enough to fit a slender person, in the middle are long tables for passengers to lounge in. The ship was filled with families, many children ran around despite the tight space, the sound of the babies crying still echoes in my ear reminding me about my family leaving me to feel very lonely, I couldn’t help but tear up. Halfway through the trip, it felt like I was losing my mind, I even had thoughts of jumping out of the ship, sick of smelling body odour that surrounds  the atmosphere, and looking at the same layout, faces and eating the same plain, dried, tasteless food they serve every day, during that time, mum, I missed your cooking, I wanted to go home and run up to your arms. The only thing that kept me sane was the books that I brought and the sea life we pass through admiring the beautiful creation making me forget about the never-ending trip, they also hold concerts inside the ship to entertain passengers but it still couldn’t help me erase the memories of witnessing the number of deaths on board. The diseases were caused by the lack of hygiene, we had limited fresh water supplies that weren’t able to clean everyone and had a restriction of being able to drink 3.4 litres of water a day.

All of the sufferings came to a halt when I arrived in paradise. Getting off the ship a smell of fresh air entered my nose, the cold breeze made my skin shivered but the sun made it warm again. At first, I was lost, I didn’t know where to go but I found it very exciting, I admit that I enjoyed being independent building my own legacy and starting a new life from scratch. After migrating here I met a lot of new friends, they toured me around the country, they took me to  all the beautiful places here, driving around, I haven’t seen anything bad about this place, it was perfect, not a single pollution was in the air, the ground was still covered in greenery and hills were still filled with trees and bushes, the mountain's peak wasn’t visible due to the long white cloud covering it, and the rivers were still clear as glass. Being beautiful and clean wasn’t the only advantage this place had, it also has a lot of new opportunities not just for me but my future children, unlike London where people struggled looking for a job, companies here are actually the one seeking for people. Did I mention that I got a job as I tailor? It has a good paycheck, more than enough to feed myself. I also meet new customers every day that compliments my work recommending me to their friends, that encourages me to stay inspired to what I do and continue pursuing my dreams of being a famous tailor. Despite feeling like I was living a lavish life, I still felt like something was missing, I miss you guys, maybe after reading this it will somehow convince you to migrate here with me and hopefully, this would lessen your anger towards me. I had saved up enough to buy a house that could fit the whole family in, settling here isn’t hard and many opportunities await...

Your Daughter,

Lily Rose

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Writing Practice

Wednesday, April 15th 2019

5. The Adverb Start

  1. Significantly, a boy shouted in the middle of a quiet library.
  2. Firstly, your shoes should be removed and placed outside the door.

6. Begin With A Preposition
  1. On 2011, was when a huge earthquake struck Christchurch.
  2. Between the wall, was a huge painting.

8. The -Ed Start
Try starting a sentence with the -ed form of the verb. It makes for a punchy opening to the sentence.

Committed, Undaunted, Determined, Forced, Gifted, Blighted, Thrilled, Delighted, Blessed, Overpowered, Foreshadowed.

  1. Overpowered by the bullies, the boy ran as fast as he can.
  2. Committed to his work, the student worked diligently.

11. The W-Start Sentence
Try beginning a sentence with a W-word. The W-start makes the writing sound thoughtful and knowledgeable.

Examples: Who, While, When, Where, What, Whereas.

  1. While everyone was distracted, I continued to remain focus .
  2. When I was running around the field, I tripped over a rock.

School uniforms are a waste of time and money.

It's a common misconception that school uniforms are waste of money and time however it is the complete opposite, it benefits the students in many ways, lowering the risk of them being late. Interestingly it actually saves students time in the morning and saves money for doing less laundry. Study shows that teenagers perceive clothes as something that express themselves this makes them overthink of what they're going to wear being afraid to be judged, this is when school uniforms save time, instead of worrying about what to wear mix-matching outfits, student are already given an outfit that also teaches them to dress formally and be tardy. On top of that, wearing different clothes every day causes more time and money in the long run. Though some people might argue that school uniforms are pointless it actually was put there for a reason, to help them to save time to teaching student to be tardy, shaping them to be decent people.


Thursday, May 16th 2019

5. The Adverb Start
Sadly the team lost by one point.
Remarkably, this was where the president was born.

6. Begin With A Preposition
Throughout the history of the school, they were the first one to win an award.
Behind her, was her friend getting ready to scare her.

8. The -Ed Start
Delighted by the gift, she thanked her parents.
Encouraged by his teacher, he went up to the stage anxiously.

11. The W-Start Sentence
With a purse on her arm, she strutted on the runway.

7. The-Ing Start
Try starting a sentence with the -ing form of a verb. The rule: when you have finished your -ing phrase, place comma, then write the rest of the sentence.

Deciding, Speaking, Seeing, Grasping, Rising, Looking, Holding, Emerging, Taking, Signalling, Analysing,

Anticipating the results to be announced, she remained silent.
Analysing the text, his head started to ache.

  • △▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼

Friday, May 17th 2019

5. The Adverb Start
Anxiously, she walked over a narrow bridge.

6. Begin With A Preposition
Far from what she expected, she felt relieved.

8. The -Ed Start
Entertained by the performers, he clapped his hand.

11. The W-Start Sentence
Whereas the adults chatted, the children played together.

7. The-Ing Start
Starting from now, the class had to be quiet.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Writing Practice

Writing Practice

5. The Adverb Start-Adverb: Describing words use for verbs e.g Curiously, Quickly, Often, Rapidly, Importantly, Firstly, Remarkably, Similarly, Significantly, Surprisingly, Readily. (use prefix makes it opposite e.g un, anti, etc). Commas go after the adverb.

Surprisingly, Mrs Handley was on time for class.
Curiously, the group of friends check the classroom to see if anyone's inside.
Readily, the pupils stood up to greet their teacher.

6. Begin With A Preposition- Try starting your sentence with a preposition. Prepositions are little words indicating movement or position e.g against, before, between, over, behind, within, under, below, at, for, throughout, near, about, prior.

Behind the door, was a puppy hiding. 
Throughout the period, everyone was listening to the teacher.
Under the tables, are chewed up bubblegum.

Basic Body Paragraph
Point: state the point you are trying to convey in your paragraph. (State the point you want to make)
Evidence: provide your evidence in support of your point. (2 or 3 sentences that give evidence to support your point)
Explain: give some explanation about what your evidence demonstrates or shows. (3-4 sentences that explain your point)
Link: Write a linking sentence to the next paragraph, or back to the question. (1-2 sentences linking to the next paragraph and point.)

For example, the movie made of Wonder is very different from the book. It leaves out lots of information. In the book the main teacher is female but in the movie they are male. Also, the camp incident missed out the info about Auggies hearing aide. This incident made....For these reasons, the book is clearly better than the movie.

Floor Hockey/ Unihoc

On a scale of 1-10 rate yourself on how well you participated in the previous lesson?
I would give myself a 7 out of 10

Why did you rate yourself the way you did?
I gave myself this because I participated and tried my best by running and trying to steal the ball from the other team. I might not be good but I tried and participated more than I usually do in other sports.

What do you think you did well?
What I think I did best is trying to steal the ball from the opponents. Our class still hasn't fully learnt how to dribble the ball with the stick so it's easier to steal the ball.

What skill did you use to accomplish passing and dribbling?
I handled the stick using two hands to be able to control it more.

What you think you need to improve upon your next time? What strategies will you use?
  I would want to improve my dribbling skills.  Strategies we can use is splitting the group in half, half being the offence, and half being defence.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Legality vs Morality

Legality vs Morality

Is it better to harm one person but save more people or is it better to save one and harm many? If you were asked if it's better to sacrifice one to save more, the logical answer is to hurt that one person to save more people but is that an ethical thing to do? This question can be applied in many situations. For example, you were a driver of a trolley car, your trolley car is operating at sixty miles per hour, your brake isn't functioning, however, your steering wheel is, in front of you are five workers and on the side track is one worker working on the track, would you steer onto the side track to save the five or remain going straight to crashing into the 5 workers?   

In my opinion, this is a lose-lose situation, at the end of the day someone had to be sacrifice and neither of those choices are ethical. Though if I really had to choose, I would sacrifice the one to save more people, killing the five, will affect more people including their family.
Image result for legality vs morality

Monday 6 May 2019

Migration, Push and Pull factors.

Image result for migration

Link to work: