
Wednesday 28 June 2017

Business & Enterprise

Business & Enterprise

L.O: Run a profitable business.

  • Stick to a given budget
  • Keep track of your spending choices
  • Keep financial records

So far I think that I need to work on this L.O. We need to make our product quicker and organise how many we are going to produce to sell enough to make a profit. We did a moderate job on sticking to the budget however we weren't able to obtain the glue gun sticks because our budget wasn't enough.We kept track of our spending choices and search are needed materials online to get the estimated cost. Also we filled out our finnacial record and managed to finish it early.

What my company did so far.
We are selling picture frames made out of popsicle sticks but not just any ordinary popsicle stick, it's decorated with washi tapes. We finished all our paper work that we needed to do and did our advertisements. From the speed that we are making our products I think we have a chance on finishing and have enough product .

What's our next step?
To have enough production to make profit and packaged our prouduct well.

What you expect on Market Day?
I expect that we will atleast sell enough to make up for the $18.50.

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