
Thursday 15 June 2017

Advertising- Ethos, Pathos, Logos.


Uses a famous/respected person to convince the buyer that it is a good product because we more likely to trust famous people.

They used a famous person (Kendall Jenner) for people to trust their product and get them into thinking itś good.

Way of persuading in a emotional way.

They showed pathos by trying to make people sad by showing what happens in a everday life to a person with cancer. 


Uses factual/ Statistical stament and surveys to get the buyers to thinking it is real. Also use words that mean nothing but sound factual.

It is giving us a factual information by telling the viewers that it only take 30 seconds.

This ad used two ways of persuading. First, Ethos, they used a famous singer, Taylor Swift which convince people to buy coke so they will forget the fact that it´s unhealthy. Second Logos, they added Extraodinary which is nonsense but sound good.

This ad clearly uses pathos by having a picture of a dead bird so people would feel sorry for the animal so they will stop littering.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sofia, i love that you've added photos and videos! next time add more sentences! - chloe!!


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