
Thursday 14 February 2019

Critical Literacy in Different texts

#1 Palmolive                                                              

Who is the most likely audience of this text, why?
This advertisement is targeted at women. The first thing that was said was "Hey girls" which directly points at viewers who's gender is a female. Also, it only had females in the advertisement that makes the viewers think that they're only selling their products for women.

Is this text fair?
No, they play by the stereotype that only girls can have long smooth hair and guys can't.
What does the word suggest?
It suggests that if you buy their product, your hair would be smooth enough to just finger comb it.

How are characters constructed in this text?
The characters who were girls were constructed to have perfect shiny smooth hair due to their product.

#2 Mcdonalds

Who benefits this text?
 People who are struggling financially and doesn't have enough money to buy a meal or go grocery shopping.

What do the words suggest?
That you can buy a meal for you and your friend for just $10.

What has been left out of the text?
How the food that they're selling is very unhealthy especially if it's eaten every day. The ad suggested that the dollar menu is for people who haven't been  in the grocery store in weeks if the people who buy from the dollar menu don't go grocery shopping there most likely go to Mc Donalds and eat there every day which can increase the chance of getting diabetes, obesity, heart attack, etc.

How does the text depict age, gender, cultural groups?
That white male in their twenties isn't sensible enough to make money and buy their own food from the grocery store.

#3 Lift Plus

Who is the most likely audience of this text why?
Teens to their early twenties, the actors in this advertisement were young adults who were playing immature games that most older viewers wouldn't play.

What genre does this belong to?
Comedy, a lot of comedies have this kind of skits where someone is getting hurt while playing without them even knowing.

Short Story: The Tortoise and The Hare.
Image result for hare and tortoise

What does the Author want us to know?
That slow and steady wins the race, despite the fact it's an unfair race ability wise.

How are characters constructed in this text?
That hares are very quick runners and tortoises are very slow creatures.

What genre does this text belong to?
The genre this text belongs to is the Children's book. Most children's books are non-fiction that substitutes human for animals as characters and most of them have hidden lessons or morals.

Whose views are excluded or privileged in the text?
Both The Hare and The Tortoise views were excluded in this text, the readers wouldn't grasp exactly what they were both feeling during the end of the race so the reader had to infer.

Song: When I was your man

Why are you reading this text?
Back in the Philippines Bruno Mars was very famous considering he is half Filipino especially at this time where he is heard everywhere so I grew up listening to this and it reminds me of my childhood.

Is this text fair?
I believe this text isn't fair since we only hear from one side of the story which the man's since his side was only heard the audience would feel empathic towards him making it seem like he is the victim even though the lyrics were about him regretting what he hasn't done.

What does the word suggest?
Him putting his guard down now that he lost his significant other leading to him feeling lonely, regretting the fact that he took his significant other for granted.

What kind of social realities does this text portray?
You only realize the worth of something/someone when they're gone. Most people going through a break up would relate to this song just to only realize what they took for granted was there biggest regret.  

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