
Tuesday 4 September 2018

Engilish- Reading Matrix

In English, we were tasked to choose different stories from different categories and read it and show our learning in many ways from the matrix our teacher gave us.

What am I learning:
I'm learning to read different types of stories eg fable, Pourquoi, fairytale, myth, parable and legends and show my learning creatively.

What I have done:
Cinderella: Kahoot
After each story, you need to complete the following table. Copy this onto a google doc

Title  of the story: Cinderella
Country of origin: France
Q1: Why do you think the author’s purpose was in writing the text?
I think the author’s purpose is to teach people to obey even if you're pitiful.
Q2: What is the author trying to explain? (Main idea or theme)
Cinderella teaches a moral of forgiving people no matter what they’ve done to her.
Q3: What did the characters learn?
That karma is real and they shouldn’t treat people unfairly. (step sisters and mother.)
Q4: In what way did the characters change?
Cinderella changed from being a maid at her house to a princess.
For one of the fairy tale, I chose Cinderella, and to show my learning I did a Kahoot quiz on it.
Image result for cinderella
The story is about a beautiful girl named Cinderella, she was living a happy life until her mother died, that lead to her father remarrying,  her father ended up marrying an evil woman. The woman came along with her two mean ugly daughters. At first, the evil woman and her daughters were kind to Cinderella but that changed soon after Cinderella's father followed her mother to the grave. They treated her like a maid and gave her a room in their attic.

The prince was looking for a princess to marry so they decided to invite everyone to a ball. Like most of the women, Cinderella wanted to attend the ball so she asked her evil stepmother if she can, she said yes but with hard conditions, she had to clean the whole castle. After cleaning the whole castle Cinderella had time to make a dress, she made a beautiful pink dress. When it was time for the ball her evil stepmother and ugly stepsisters saw her dress and ripped it up with scissors. Cinderella was left devastated when her mother and sisters left the house for the ball and she was left with her tornup dress.

When they're gone Cinderella sat down and cried, when all of a sudden a fairy god mother appeared. She gave Cinderella a blue dress, and a ride to the ball but the spell will only last until midnight. When Cinderella arrived at the ball everyone was mesmerized by her beauty, this caused the prince to go up to her and asked her for a dance. Cinderella had danced and talked the whole night with the prince that Cinderella almost lost track of time, when Cinderella looked at the clock she only had realized it was almost midnight, so Cinderella rushed to get home without saying goodbye to the prince, as she was running she dropped her glass slipper.

Cinderella arrived home just in time her dress and ride disappears and before her evil stepmother and ugly step sisters got home. The day after the prince's herald searched for the princess that fits the glass slipper, he went to Cinderella's home but the ugly step sister only got the chance to try the slipper but it didn't fit so the herald ask if there's anyone, her evil stepmother denied it but Cinderella appeared and asked him if she could, the slipper fit in Cinderella's foot, both her stepmother and stepsisters were shocked.

The herald took Cinderella to the prince and he decided to marry Cinderella and they lived happily ever after.
Little Mermaid: Profile Chart

Title  of the story: Little mermaid
Country of origin: Denmark
Q1: Why do you think the author’s purpose was in writing the text?
I think the author’s purpose is to teach people to give up what they have for the one they love.
Q2: What is the author trying to explain? (Main idea or theme)
A mermaid giving up her beautiful voice for a guy she saw while she was on a surface.
Q3: What did the characters learn?
Ariel learnt that love is unconditional.
Q4: In what way did the characters change?
Ariel changed from a mermaid to a human by exchanging her voice with legs.

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