
Monday 17 September 2018

Mu Torere

 The Design Process

Problem(Brief)-Research-Concept-Final Design-Formal Drawing-Mock up-Create


Today for tech our teacher is educating us about 'The Design Process'. He drew a plan to explain it to us:

Raising Seeds

Aim: To look at the different growing conditions and how these affect the growth of the seeds.


  • We worked in groups of 3-4 students
  • Potting mix was put into the cups.
  • The cups were planted with bean seeds
  • Each cup had a different growing condition:
  1. Cup 1-normal
  2. Cup 2-red cellophane
  3. Cup 3-overwatered
  4. Cup 4-underwatered or green cellophane or blue cellophane
The plants grew in their cups for 10 days before they were measured.


Plant growing condition
Height after 10 days (mm)
Blue cellophane
Red cellophane
The normal seedling was planted in a normal potting mix and grew to a height of ___76______mm.
The green cellophane seedling was planted in a normal potting mix, covered in Blue cellophane and watered. It grew to a height of ____24____mm. The red cellophane seedling was planted in the normal potting mix to a height of _______80____mm. The overwatered seddling was planted in a normal potting mix, the water could not drain out the bottom of the pot and it grew to a height of __38____mm.


From the pictures and evidence we can conclude that:

The seedling height was:


The best growing conditions were:


therefore the seedling with the best conditions grew to a height of 80 mm.

Friday 14 September 2018


For the last few weeks, we had been finishing our project for tech which is the three-piece puzzle. We had been filling and sanding our wood puzzle pieces


  1. Insert capital T sign inside the minus signed resting it just below the gap.
  2. Take the lowercase t sign and insert the middle inside the end of the minus sign that has the gap.
  3. Push the lower case t sign and push it all the way inside.
  4. Push the bottom of your puzzle up.


To undo it:
  1. pull the minus sign wood down low enough for the lower case t to fit in the gap.
  2. Pull the lower case t sign towards you.
  3. Pull the minus sign down from the capital T and there are now all de-assembled.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Maths-Business Survey Results


In Maths we've been learning how to make different types of graphs, so we were tasked to make a survey about our Business & Enterprise and make a graph of the results, our theme was carnival games, so we asked how much the ticket would be, what games they would want to play, and what kind of prizes they want.


Forms response chart. Question title: How much would you pay for the tickets?. Number of responses: 40 responses.
57.5% of the 40 people that responded said they wanted the ticket price to be $1, 35% said $1.50, 17.5% wanted $2, and both $3 and price depending on what the games is got 2.5%
Forms response chart. Question title: What kind of games would you like to play?. Number of responses: 40 responses.

The most voted game was Fish Cup Games with 52.5%, second most voted game is apple bobbing, third equal is Toilet Paper Toss and Disc Toss.

Forms response chart. Question title: Would you like to see more than one game?. Number of responses: 40 responses.
Majority of the people said they wanted more than one game.
Forms response chart. Question title: What kind of prizes do you want?. Number of responses: 40 responses.
Most of them wanted something edible as a prize.