
Tuesday 6 December 2016

I was inspired by the Greek goddess name Sofia ( Or Sophia), It also means Wisdom in Greek Sophia is honored as a goddess of wisdom by Gnostics

Wednesday 12 October 2016

How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

You need:
A lot food
Tons of water
Silent Weapons (So you won't attract any zombies with noise)
Thick clothes that Is hard to rip.
Water filter
First-Aid Kit/ Health/ Medication
Regrowing food
Wood/ Stones

8 most important things:
First Aid Kit/ Medication/ Health Products



                 What/Why We Need Power?

  • In our everyday lives, we use power. We can’t live without power (electricity). We can’t imagine what life is without electricity. Every night time, we use a lot of electricity, because we need light so that we can see. Without lights, traveling would be very risky,we won't be aware if there are zombies near by and there's a possibility that we bumped into a dangerous weapon.. Whether its  day time or nigh time, electricity keeps our lives in order.We use power to charge electric motors or to make things work. 
  • This energy comes from the movement of electrons. Electrons are small particles that orbit, the nucleus of an atom. When electrons work together to flow along a circuit that's is electricity.
  • Electricity current is made out of electrons moving in an organized way
  • To make the electrons move organised you either need a generator or a battery

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One way to make power in a zombie apocalypse is using the enemies to create energy and storing it in a generator. How? The compact generator converts the motion off the wheels from the treadmill into electricity. In order to make electricity there has to be an electricity current which is basically electrons moving in an organized way ,but to make it organized you either need a generator or battery. When a battery (the battery's job is to push the electrons to the negative to the positive side)  if the electrons organize they will move in the same direction which make it able for the electrons to go through the circuit wires from the negative terminal to the positive, it need to have a negative and a positive side to make a loop, the electrons flows out from the negative side and come back in from the positive side but for it to travel it has to be connected by wires.

Electricity can be made out of wind, water, sun and even animal poop!

Thursday 15 September 2016


I want to find out how to grow a sustainable garden.

Things I need to consider:
  • Can the plants grow in our climate?
  • What plants can you grow when planted in September?
  • How long do they take to mature? When can they be harvested?
  • How many mature plants will fit into my garden size?
  • How can I water them during the holidays?
  • How do I keep pests away?
What I want my garden to look like

The potato grows approximately 2-3 months it can also grow in winter.
Lettuce grows for 1-3 months and it can also grow in winter.
It takes basil about 14 days to grow.
The sunflower takes 80-120 days

Image result for home made self watering system for plants

I found a way to make a homemade self watering for plants.

  1. To make this you need a water bottle
  2. fill it up with water 
  3. put the lid on with a tiny hole in it
  4.  dig a hole in your plant perfect size for your water bottle
  5. Then put the water bottle in hole.
How to protect the plants from getting eaten by pests?!

You can use water bottles as a homemade contraption to keep the pests away.

  1. first of all you need obviously need water bottles.
  2. Chop half of the water bottle
  3. Place the chopped water bottle in your plant.
  4. This also protects your plants from frosting.

What we need:
Weeding/Gardening tools
Plastic 2L Water Bottles
1.Using a string mark your 1mx1m garden
2.Pull the weeds and use a spade turn the soil over.
3.Mix the fertilizer and the soil
4.Plant the seed the way you plan
5.Add a self watering system
6.Protect you plants with net or bottles.

Tuesday 30 August 2016


At P.E today we had to do gymnastics, I wasn't really interested in gymnastic because I know that I'm not flexible and I can't lift myself up. When I came in the gym I was so excited, it really looks like a real gymnastic studio. We had the mat, trampoline, beams, pole, parallel bar. I was so excited to go on trampoline but it turns out we can't use it, when we started doing some tricks, I wasn't able to do it, I was too scared I might break a bone or people will make fun of me. We had free time and we can use any of the equipment except the trampoline. I tried the small beam first, i wasn't scared I was just walking on it trying to balance, then I went on the parallel bar I thought I could do it but I was wrong, it was so hard to lift myself up, lastly the high beam I was kinda scared because even if you fall on the mat you can fall because the mat is very squishy.

At the last day of gymnastics today we had groups of 5 where we swap around taking turns on different things like trampoline, mats, bars, and many more it was really fun my favorite one is probably the trampoline, it's so bouncy and I love doing tricks on it.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Making Biltong (Beef Jerky)

I want to learn how to prevent bacteria from taking over the meat and make Biltong (Beef Jerky)

I predict that it we would be very dry


Ingredients we will need to make a Biltong:

  • Raw Steak or any meat that you prefer
  • Seasonings for flavour (a tweak of  coriander, pepper, ginger, chilli, garlic, chicken salt, cummin)
  • Tons of salt about a handful
  • String (15 cm long)
  • Razor-sharp knife
  • Bowl or plate
  • News Paper 

Direction for making Biltong
  1. Grab the Ingredients
  2. Wash your hands
  3. Chop the raw steak into thin sections about 1-2 cm wide.
  4. Make sure you put newspaper on the spot your working at so it doesn't get messy. Also put newspaper underneath the place where you going to tie the meat in.
  5. Get the salt and spices and mix them together.
  6. Put the chopped steak into the bowl.
  7. Add the salt and the seasonings along with it, roll the steak on the salt.
  8. Tie the string around each of the steak 3 times.
  9. Tie the meat onto the ceiling , make sure there's air going around the steak. We need air going to the steak because it takes the water out of it.
  10. Leave the steak to dry for about 1 week.
  11. Wash your hands again.

How does salt prevent the meat from rotting?
Salt is an ancient way of preserving meat. The salt sucks out the moisture and will create an unlivable space for bacteria to live in so the meat wouldn't rot.


It is very hard and dry, the meat is brown with little bits of white from the salt or fat, you can bend it a little bit. It smell like fat or dog food with a hint of the seasonings. Inside it's maroon and when you pull the outside bit it's like really cheesy pizza or spider web. When I took a bite it taste really salty with beef fat taste to it and you can also taste all the seasonings together.

Why did salt the meat?
The reason why we salt the meat is that it eliminates the bacteria and it will prevent the salt from being rotten.

How does salt kill bacteria?
The salt dehydrates the meat and take all the water which the bacteria needs.

Monday 22 August 2016

Physical Education Class

                           Beep Test

I got a 19, it is a very bad score for 12-13 year old girls. According to the sheet it is very poor, the best one in the class is Mathew he got 59. The beep test is really hard, you have to be fast and not run out of breath, it is very tiring, and tough.
                                               Jump Jam Competition

When I arrived inside the gym I instantly thought that 7Rc will win, they always win and their P.E teacher said they were amazing. When we had the warm up I was feeling confident yet I feel a bit scared that we might lose, so I did my best. When we were actually performing I was so nervous but we got in but we have to vs 7Rc, 7Bk were okay but some of them can´t be bothered dancing so they lost. After the dance show off between 7Mg and 7Rc we had to go back and sit on the floor. When the teacher announced the result I was so surprised that we WON!!!!

Thursday 28 July 2016

Making Ginger Beer

Aim:I want to find out how to make Ginger Beer

Method: (ingredients) Ginger, Water, Lemon, Yeast, Sugar, Funnel, Bottle (Don´t use glass the

  1. Cut a portion of the ginger 
  2. Then put the ginger in the mortar and pestle and grind it.
  3. After grinding it pour all the juice into a bottle using a funnel ( don´t fill the bottle up fully with the ginger juice, you need room to put 600 ml water in to fill the bottle up).
  4. Put  10 tsp of sugar and 1 tsp of yeast on the bottle (the sugar will be the food for the yeast to make it enlarge)
  5. Insert 2 lemon juice without the seed (The acid from the lemon will prevent the bacteria from going to the drink). 
  6. Store it anywhere but keep it away from sunlight for 1 week.
  7. After a long wait we are now ready to put the ginger beer into another  bottle to get rid of the yeast using the funnel again.
  8. When you have done that add sugar as much as you want to make it sweet.
  9. You are done.

What does it look like?
When I observed  it, I notice the see through yellow liquid with foam above it, and at the  bottom it has sludge from the yeast that nibbled the sugar and grew bigger.

What does it smell like?
When I took off the lid and gave the liquid a sniff, I smelled vinegar with a wee bit scent of alcohol  right away and I almost puked.

What does it taste like?
When I gave it a sip  I tasted lemon straight away with a hint of bitter taste to it. Maybe I need more sugar thatś why itś kinda bitter.

What happens if you shake it?
When I shook the bottle, it start to fizz. This was caused by the Carbon Dioxide that was made by the yeast.

What is yeast?
  Yeast are living fungus which means that it needs food, warmth, and moisture. It that can be found everywhere in the world that is use to make bread (to make it rise), and alcohol. You can find yeast in our skin, in the air, and on the skin of vegetables and fruit. Yeast was used to make the Carbon dioxide for the ginger beer.

What did yeast do to the ginger beer?
The yeast made the Carbon Dioxide that made the fizz when you shake the bottle.

What are some good uses of Yeast?
Like I said you use yeast to make bread, alcohol.Some yeast improve the capacity of the plan by taking nutritious elements and putting into the soil.

What are some good uses of Yeast?
Like I said you use yeast to make bread, alcohol. Some yeast improve the capacity of the plan by taking nutritious elements and putting it into the soil.

What are some bad uses of Yeast?
The problem with yeast from a healthś point of view is that yeast lures bacteria like Candida( a form of yeast that cause a symptoms or extend from fatigue or weight gain) give to asthma, Crohns, Disease and gout. So therefore I recommend to eat less of it or take it away from your diet if you have problem with these condition. 

What if you put mentos in the ginger beer would it explode like it does with a coke?
I am not sure if it works with ginger beer but it does work with a ginger ale I watched some videos about the experiment. Ginger ale doesn´t have any alcohol in it but I saw another video with the mentos and beer and it also works.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Yuri Gagarin’s life


 Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934.

 Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934.

   He was the first human to journey into outer space, when his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on 12 April 1961.

  He soon became an international celebrity, and was awarded many medals and titles.

His early life

  Yuri Gagarin was born in the village of Klushino(renamed Gagarin after his death),near  Gzhatsk. His parents work in a collective farm. Yuri was the third of four children.

His family suffered during, Nazi occupation in World War II. Yuri’s village was occupied in November 1941 during the German advance on Moscow, and an officer took over Gagarin residence. Yuri’s family was allowed to build a mud hut, it had to be  3 by 3 metres inside, on the land behind there house, Yuri’s family spent a year and nine months until the end of the occupation. Yuri’s two older siblings were deported by the Germans to Poland for slave labour in 1943 and did not return until the war in 1945. 1 year later, Yuri’s family moved back to Gzhatsk, where Gagarin continued his secondary education.

  At the age of 16 in 1950, Yuri entered into an apprenticeship as a foundry man at the Lyubertsy Steel Plant near Moscow, and he also enrolled at a “young workers” school for seventh grade evening classes. After he graduated in 1915 from both the seventh grade and the vocational school, he was selected for further training at the Saratov Industrial Technical School, where he studied tractors. Yuri volunteered for weekend training as a Soviet air cadet at a local flying club, where he learned to fly, at first in a biplane and later in a Yak-18 trainer.

and nine months until the end of the occupation. Yuri’s two older siblings were deported by the Germans to Poland for slave labour in 1943 and did not return until the war in 1945. 1 year later, Yuri’s family moved back to Gzhatsk, where Gagarin continued his secondary education.

  At the age of 16 in 1950, Yuri entered into an apprenticeship as a foundry man at the Lyubertsy Steel Plant near Moscow, and he also enrolled at a “young workers” school for seventh grade evening classes. After he graduated in 1915 from both the seventh grade and the vocational school, he was selected for further training at the Saratov Industrial Technical School, where he studied tractors. Yuri volunteered for weekend training as a Soviet air cadet at a local flying club, where he learned to fly, at first in a biplane and later in a Yak-18 trainer.

Career in the Soviet space program

  In 1960, after selecting and a selection process, Yuri was chosen with 19 other pilots for the Soviet space program. Yuri was further selected for an elite training group knows as the Sochi Six, where the first cosmonauts of the Vostok programme would be chosen. Yuri and the others perspective candidates were subjected to experiments designed to test physical and psychological endurance, he also went undertraining for the upcoming flight, Out of the twenty selected, the eventual choices for the first launch were Gagarin and Gherman Titov due to their performance during training sessions as well as their physical characteristics, space was limited in the small, Vostok cockpit, and both men were rather short. Gagarin was 1.57 metres (5 ft 2 in) tall.

Vostok 1

 On the 12th of April 1961, the Vostok 3KA-3, spacecraft was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome. Yuri Gagarin, became both the first human to travel into outer space, and also the first human to complete a complete orbit around the earth. Following the flight, Gagarin told the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev that during reentry he had whistled the tune "The Motherland Hears, The Motherland Knows". The

first two lines of the song are: "The Motherland hears, the Motherland knows/Where her son flies in the sky". This patriotic song was written by Dmitri Shostakovich in 1951 (opus 86).Some have claimed that Gagarin commented during the flight, "I don't see any God up here." But Yuri’s friend Colonel Valentin Petrov said that Yuri never said such words. Yuri’s friend also said that Yuri had been  baptised into the Orthodox Church as a child, and a 2011. A magazine article said that  the rector of the Orthodox church in Star City saying, "Gagarin baptized his elder daughter Yelena shortly before his space flight, and his family used to celebrate Christmas and Easter and keep icons in the house.


Sadly he died on 27th of March 1968 while he’s training from Chkalovsky Air Base, him and his flight instructor Vladimir Seryogin in a MiG 15 UTI crashed near a town called Kirzhach, Russia. There body were cremated and buried in the walls of Kremlin on Red Square.
How did the jet crashed?
The  cause of the accident is not certain, there’s a lot of theories about it. One of theories is that the air vent was left accidently open result to oxygen deprivation (it makes your skin bluish and your heart rate increases, it can cause fainting ,consciousness, coma, seizures, and brain death). Another theory is an air traffic controller given him the wrong outdated weather information.

By Sofia & Sarah

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Burning Magnesium

Burning Magnesium

Aim: I want to find out what happen to magnesium when you burn it.

Hypothesis: I predict that it would melt and it would smell really bad.
Equipment: Heat mat
 Bunsen Burner
 Scissor Tongs
 Safety Goggles
  1. Get equipment
  2. Put safety googles
  3. Put down the heat mat
  4. Connect your Bunsen Burner to the gas tap
  5. Close the air hole
  6. Ignite the lighter
  7. Turn on the gas
  8. Open the air hole
  9. Hold the Magnesium with tongs
  10. Put the Magnesium into the blue flame
  11. Observe what happens


When I burned solid,shiny grey,strip of Magnesium in a blue bunsen burner it formed a bright white light and lasted 2-5 second. Then it burnt out. Some white powder was left over.                                        

Conclusion: I thought the Magnesium will melt but it didn't, it glow white light.


  • Do all metals grow brightly?
  • What would happen if you burn a 30 cm Magnesium?
  • Did it make other chemicals ?
  • Why did it have white light and not blue or green?

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Hands on fire

Aim: I want to safely set my hands on fire

Equipment: Safety googles, Box, Water, Hose, Detergent, Lighter


  • Be safe, wear googles, roll your sleeves, tie your hair up.
  • You gonna wet your hands,wrist, arm up to your elbow.
  • Get a scoop of bubbles.
  • Move away from the box.
  • Hold the bubbles at eye level as far away from my face as you can.
  • To put out the fire SLOWLY open your hands.

Walking in straight line

Aim: To walk in a straight line.

Hypothesis: I predict that I would end up in the bush.
  1.  Blindfold to stop us from seeing.
  2. Cotton wool to stop us from hearing and smelling.
  3. Bucket for our head to stop the wind.

                                                                                Method: I am going to attempt to walk in a 200m straight line to a stake in the ground.

Results:  I started walking in a straight line and then I ended walking into a fence

Thursday 10 March 2016

How To Write A Science Report

This is what i want to find out

This is an educated guess

This is a list of materials I need

These are step-by-step instruction

These are factors that can change the results

These are my observation. 

This is where you need to perform any calculations I need to to a graph.

This is where I explain the results and I answer question "Why?"

This where I say if my hypothesis was correct

This is your reflection on the investigation.
You must cover
  • If something went wrong what was it and how you fix it.
  • Were there any anomalies (weird results that didn't fit the pattern?)
  • What were some of the problems and how could you fix them in the future
  • Has your investigation raised any challenging questions?

Welcome to Science

Hi, my name is Sofia Balboa.
I go to Hornby High School