
Thursday 28 July 2016

Making Ginger Beer

Aim:I want to find out how to make Ginger Beer

Method: (ingredients) Ginger, Water, Lemon, Yeast, Sugar, Funnel, Bottle (Don´t use glass the

  1. Cut a portion of the ginger 
  2. Then put the ginger in the mortar and pestle and grind it.
  3. After grinding it pour all the juice into a bottle using a funnel ( don´t fill the bottle up fully with the ginger juice, you need room to put 600 ml water in to fill the bottle up).
  4. Put  10 tsp of sugar and 1 tsp of yeast on the bottle (the sugar will be the food for the yeast to make it enlarge)
  5. Insert 2 lemon juice without the seed (The acid from the lemon will prevent the bacteria from going to the drink). 
  6. Store it anywhere but keep it away from sunlight for 1 week.
  7. After a long wait we are now ready to put the ginger beer into another  bottle to get rid of the yeast using the funnel again.
  8. When you have done that add sugar as much as you want to make it sweet.
  9. You are done.

What does it look like?
When I observed  it, I notice the see through yellow liquid with foam above it, and at the  bottom it has sludge from the yeast that nibbled the sugar and grew bigger.

What does it smell like?
When I took off the lid and gave the liquid a sniff, I smelled vinegar with a wee bit scent of alcohol  right away and I almost puked.

What does it taste like?
When I gave it a sip  I tasted lemon straight away with a hint of bitter taste to it. Maybe I need more sugar thatś why itś kinda bitter.

What happens if you shake it?
When I shook the bottle, it start to fizz. This was caused by the Carbon Dioxide that was made by the yeast.

What is yeast?
  Yeast are living fungus which means that it needs food, warmth, and moisture. It that can be found everywhere in the world that is use to make bread (to make it rise), and alcohol. You can find yeast in our skin, in the air, and on the skin of vegetables and fruit. Yeast was used to make the Carbon dioxide for the ginger beer.

What did yeast do to the ginger beer?
The yeast made the Carbon Dioxide that made the fizz when you shake the bottle.

What are some good uses of Yeast?
Like I said you use yeast to make bread, alcohol.Some yeast improve the capacity of the plan by taking nutritious elements and putting into the soil.

What are some good uses of Yeast?
Like I said you use yeast to make bread, alcohol. Some yeast improve the capacity of the plan by taking nutritious elements and putting it into the soil.

What are some bad uses of Yeast?
The problem with yeast from a healthś point of view is that yeast lures bacteria like Candida( a form of yeast that cause a symptoms or extend from fatigue or weight gain) give to asthma, Crohns, Disease and gout. So therefore I recommend to eat less of it or take it away from your diet if you have problem with these condition. 

What if you put mentos in the ginger beer would it explode like it does with a coke?
I am not sure if it works with ginger beer but it does work with a ginger ale I watched some videos about the experiment. Ginger ale doesn´t have any alcohol in it but I saw another video with the mentos and beer and it also works.

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