
Wednesday 19 February 2020

Language Features-English

I am ready to learn because...
I am ready to learn because I am motivated to learn all the different language features so I can apply it to make my writing more interesting.

My learning goals are...
My learning goals is complete and write creative writing language features

I know that achieved this when I can write examples of

  1. Consonance 
  2. Understatement
  3. Epistrophe
  4. Anadiplosis
  5. Assonance
  6. Hyperbole
  7. Alliteration 
  8. Personification
  9. Metaphor
  10. Oxymoron
  11. Epizeuxis 
  12. Epanalepsis
  13. Anaphora
  14. Onomatopoeia 
Consonance-The roses started to decay, the wind withered away, and the sun shone on the bay
Understatement-(There’s an earthquake) “I guess the ground decided to shake a little”
Epistrophe-What is a laptop?  A device you can stream videos in, that’s a laptop. Technology that allows you to search through the web, that’s a laptop. A piece of device you can get lost in that’s a laptop. Would consider getting a laptop? 
Anadiplosis-Having a rubbish bin leads to cleaning, cleaning leads to productivity, productivity leads to work, work leads to exhaustion, exhaustion leads to death.
Assonance-having a fight is right,  the way to fight is through your might.
Hyperbole- I’m so exhausted that if I sleep now I would wake up in the next generation.
Alliteration-An angel accompanied an alligator admirably.
Personification- The rubbish bin opened its mouth up and down as trash went down its throat.
Metaphor-His eyes were a swirl of hot, steaming chocolate. 
Oxymoron-Students one-by-one left the room making the room seem a little big.
Epizeuxis-Go ahead and grab it. Go ahead and work on it. Go ahead and conquer it.
Epanalepsis-The mirror reflected sadness in her eyes but happiness was all the mirror reflected.
Anaphora-Girls, they are the most delicate creatures, Girls, they can’t break a bone. Girls, they poop rainbows and sunshine. Women, they are strong. Women will not easily give in. Women will fight for their rights.
Onomatopoeia- The wrinkled man took a step forward. Crack. His bones felt weak.
Chiasmus-To heal is to have time, to have time is to heal.

To engage in the connectivities learning process, I will need...
I will need websites, videos and a dictionary.

Monday 17 February 2020

Vegetables & Ham Wrap

What was the high-risk food we used, how did we handle it to keep it safe?

The high-risk food we used as an ingredient today was the ham. We handled it safely by carefully using the tongs to separate it. We also integrated the meat from the vegetables by using different chopping boards.

Safety practice and procedure we did prior, during and after. (Give 2 examples for each)

Prior to the cooking process, the people who had long hair tied their hair in a bun, to keep it out of the way and avoid any food. Doing this made sure that any unwanted bacteria from the hair won't make any contact with the ingredients and keep it sanitary.

Another procedure we practised was putting an apron on. Being out and about all day with our school uniforms can only mean that many bacteria have been absorbed in it. To avoid any getting in our food or any surfaces in the foods room, we wore an apron.

During the cooking process, we made sure to separate the vegetables and ham by keeping it in separate boards. Doing this will avoid cross-contamination. Vegetables and meats both have different properties and bacteria and cutting boards easily absorb this, causing the ingredient's bacteria to morph into each other.

A knife is obviously one of the most dangerous items in the kitchen with its sharp blade, so it is our top priority for kitchen safety. When taking the knife out of the shelf, we made sure that it was facing on down and on our sides to avoid stabbing one of our classmates. We also ensured that we won't treat it as a toy or play around with it. These precautions guaranteed our safety knowing that a sharp object isn't being thrown around or being swung in the classrooms.

After making our wraps. we immediately washed the plates and dishes thoroughly. Washing them in hot water will eliminate the bacteria that has been transferred from the food before it. This is because bacterias hate really hot temperature, 60 degrees Celcius or above will be deadly for the organisms.

After clearing the benchtop we wiped down the table with some spray. Spraying and wiping the table will eliminate the bacteria. Since bacterias like their PH level neutral, adding some alkaline on the table will surely wipe them out.

How do you know that the process/strategies you put in place maintained the safety of your food?

All the strategies we put into practice are guaranteed to take out bacteria. We avoided getting bacteria into our food by tying our hair to prevent the fallout to get in our food, that works the same with the aprons. We then killed the bacteria that roaming around or will provoke it to prosper by cleaning our equipment and tools with soap.
