
Monday 30 April 2018

Boiling Curve

Why do we get boiling curves?
Water particles move at a certain temperature so everyone usually get similar temperatures.

What's happening to the particles?
The water particles are slowly moving more due to the temperature rising.

Whats happening to the particles at different stages?
Stage A: The particles are arranged neatly this means it is in solid form. It's still in a solid form because the heat isn't high enough.
Stage B: It definitely has more energy than stage A, at this point, the particles are moving more and slowly moving apart from each other because the temperature is rising, at this point the particles are in a liquid form.
Stage C: The particle has reached it's boiling point so it can no longer exceed the temperature because the particles are so away from each other they're turning into steam.

Are they moving more or moving less?
As the temperature rises, they move more due to heat, heat makes them have more kinetic energy making them move more.

Why does it not reach 100 degrees celsius?
It can't reach 100 degrees because it is the boiling point of water and so the particles are starting to move apart from each other so much that they eventually evaporate into steam.

Friday 13 April 2018

Last day of Drama

Reflective blog post:

What have I learnt?
I learnt what makes up a musical theatre (the crew).

How does this work show my learning?
We made a background that was on stage and one of the things you need for a musical theatre to happen is props.

What did I find challenging?
What I found challenging was performing on stage because it a lot of courage for me to do.

What would I do differently?
I would've added choreography because we looked boring and weird just standing in one spot.

What am I wondering?
I am wondering what we would've looked like if we had choreography.

what was it like performing on the day?
While sitting down waiting and watching people's performance my heart beats a little faster as one performance finishes but once I step on the stage my nervousness went away but I still felt awkward looking in the front.

Image result for moana welcome gif

Gloriavale-Critical Question

In English, we read a book called Abomination, it's about a 12-year-old girl struggling to keep up with her parent strictness due to their religion. We decided to watch a documentary that's similar to the book that we read. It's a documentary about a Christian community that isolates themselves from the world, they live in a small land near Greymouth, New Zealand.

When would or could this lifestyle cause a problem?
The rapid growth of their population and they’re men and women roles that are very stereotypical. They also have many controversies on the news.

Whose voices do we not hear?

People that didn’t like the lifestyle they're living in Gloriavale.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Label- Home Eco

In Home Economics, we had been learning about food labels, our teacher asked us to make one for the cookies we made.

We analysed a recipe to see what was in it and worked out the calories, conversion and ingredients. We used a website called explore food to know the calories, vitamins, carbohydrate, etc for each ingredient of the recipe.

Label for the ANZAC Cookie.
