
Wednesday 9 August 2017

Why Is Empathy Important?

Empathy definition according to Collins Dictionary:
The ability to understand someone else's feelings as if they are our own.

What I learnt about empathy.

  • Empathy plays a big role at school,less people would feel left out.
  • Empathy requires time and practice.
  • Empathy could help people feel better about themselves.
What's going on my head while watching the video:
Sometimes you cant tell but most of the time you can't, people put on a mask.
If we find out what people are going through we would treat them better but it's better to always be nice to everyone because you never know what their going through. 

Why I think empathy is important:
Empathy is Important because, if everyone show empathy their wouldn't be war or fights because everyone understand each others feelings. 

How to be better at empathy:

  • Observe people around you and instead of labeling them try to see what they're feeling.
  • Listen to what they're saying.
  • Open up so people will understand what you're feeling.

Monday 7 August 2017

Orana Wildlife Park

Hornby High School
180 Waterloo Road,
Christchurch 8042

Monday 7th August 2017

793 Mcleans Island Road,
Mcleans Island,
Christchurch 8051

Dear Sarah
I would like to thank you for letting us have an amazing experience at Orana Park. I had lots of fun encountering different animals that I haven't even heard of and learning new facts about it. Something I learnt was the ''HIPPO'' which stands for: H- Habbitat lost I- Introduced species P- Pollution P- Population overgrowth  O- Over use. My favourite part was enetering through the The Great Apes, I love seeing the home of the monkeys and looking at  their hand and footprint.

What we did today.
When the bell rung we all went inside our classroom that's when our teachers gave us our designated numbers for our groups, we had a chance of leaving our school equipment in the classroom so we wont get tired strolling around the zoo carrying our heavy bags. Then we all gathered up outside of school patiently waiting for the bus while Ms. Gibson lectures us about the rules and expectation. Finaly the bus arrives, we were divided by our form class, it took about 15 minutes to get there from our school.

After arriving at our destination, we were again split up by our number groups. 2 groups split apart and entered to different gates. This where the adventure begins, we were taken to the zoo school where we entered a circus like room, we had a staff from orana park talk to us for 5 minutes. We had a short morning tea then we went straight to the kiwi area. The kiwi area was dark, Ican hardly see a thing, but I managed to spot a kiwi in the corner. We proceeded looking at different animals in the zoo and learning new facts about them.

I had lot's of fun going on this trip,learning that there's lots of endangered animals, and knowing we should take care of them. We need animals in this world and there's already a lot that's extinc, we should take care of the endangered ones.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Art 2017

In art we have researched, workbook page layout and the origins of superheroes.

Stand By Me Vocabulary

Stand By Me:

Learning Outcome:
LO 1: Describe the changes, challenges and needs of adolescents with respect to the 4 dimensions of Hauora.
Success Criteria :  
  • Describes the physical/activity needs of adolescents
  • Describes the nutritional needs of adolescents
  • Describes the need for positive peer relationships/friendships
  • Describes the challenges associated with bullying, social media and the general media for the 21st century adolescent.
LO 2: Explain ways in which you can take responsibility for your own well-being during adolescence
Success Criteria:
  • Explain barriers that may exist towards change and suggest ways in which these can be overcome
  • Explain steps that can be taken to improve your own physical, activity, nutritional, social and mental wellbeing.

LO 3:  Investigate community helping agencies that are available to assist people within the dimensions of Hauora.
Success Criteria:

  • Recognises that “taking responsibility” does not necessarily mean “going it alone”.
  • Recognise where people can go for support.
  • Understand that volunteering is one way of giving back to the community.

How this work shows my learning?
I showed my learning by explaining the meaning of the words that is written on the L.O's this goes to show that I understood what it means.

What did I think of while in a process of doing this work?
While working on this I wondered what holisitc means because I found it difficult looking for the meaning.
