
Thursday 30 March 2017

Describe dance

this dance is cool and very energetic

It is a Hip Hop dance

The dancers are very energetic, 2 females and I male, fit.

the speed is fast

Monday 27 March 2017

3 Examples Of Dance In Musicals

  • They're using the stuff from the set to dance with. 
  • Using facial expressions to show what they feel.
  • Showing energy by throwing and jumping.
Fabulous-Sharpay(High School Musical
  • In sync.
  • Enthusiastic. 
  • Very girly.

                                           Circle of life- Broad way by lion king

  • Have good facial expression
  • Twirls alot
  • Acting like their character

Monday 20 March 2017

Drama Group Assesment

Group Assessment

  • I kept focused on my group job
  • I made my own records
  • I wrote my role intentions
  • I have a plan for space 
  • I recorded ACTION 
  • I learnt SCRIPT 
  • I rehearsed 

  • I listened to others ideas
  • I used their names 
  • Problem solved

  • Attendance
  • Kept working
  • Aimed high by doing extensions
  • Kept rehearsing

Thursday 16 March 2017

I intend to...

What voice is going to sound like:
I intend to have a deeper raspy voice for the sun.

Our Set:
We need the long red cushions to represent village.

Image result for village
Our Action:

  1. Doing Work but not having enough time 
  2.  Maui decided to slow the sun
  3. Maui Set off to find the sun
  4. When he found out where the sun is he tried slowing it by pulling him with the hook



Sun/Sister: Sofia
Maui: Logan


E: A long time ago, when the Earth was flat, the Sun went round and round the earth. To Maui the days were too short and not much could be done. And nights were too long and were the only time things could be done,. But at night the monsters roamed so nothing could be done then as well. Maui had had enough.

L: This is bad. We are falling behind on work. We need to do something about this Sun.

S: We can’t do much. What would you do?

L: I would slow down the Sun. No, I will slow down the Sun!

E: So Maui set off to find the home of the Sun. He traveled for many weeks (Mostly because the days were short), but finally he got to the Sun's house. But it was night time so he went to bed. Eventually morning came.

L: Good morning Sun! Maybe you could, like, slow down, please.


L: Come on bro I said please.

S: Go away man.

L: Okay, I didn’t want to do this (throws invisible hook). Hiiiii-Ya

S: What are you doing?

L: (Pulls hook)

(watch as speedometer goes to 2 kph)

S: Hooray, Maui slowed the sun

E: After that the harvest sped up and Maui was hailed as a hero. DA END

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Why we need to show respect to our classmates?

One of the reason why is that so they wont feel left out or bullied. Also if there is a fight going on because we are not using one of our values, we wont have time to learn or have fun in the classroom. The benefit of showing our values is everyone will be happy and stress-free

Monday 6 March 2017

Maths Statistics Making Graph

  • Group 1 has orange MnM's the most
  • Green MnM's are the least MnM's

  • Group 1 has one more than group 2
  • Group 2 has the highest Yellow MnM's
  •   The least is green with only 5.
I really enjoyed this task because I like learning new stuff and making my life easier in the computer and I also like eating MnM's.

Friday 3 March 2017

Kete-We Are Hornby Assesment

To understand more of our school we did a Kete about it....
What are we learning?
We are learning to explain how Hornby High is a community. To explain the values of Hornby High. To be an independent learner, and how to demonstrate our CARR Values.

How I think this work shows my learning:
I explained what each of the values mean. I also explained how HHS is a community by telling our own definition of a community is and how the roles makeup a community. I think that I worked independently because I managed to finish all my work.

If I did this again what would I do differently:
I would do this in the computer so it looks more professional and neat. Also I think I should've explained the community way better and I could've made it longer.

Something I am wondering or a question I have from completing this work?
Who had the idea to come up with the CARR values? Did they change the values before?

Thursday 2 March 2017

Drama Games

Skills: Focusing, Eye Contact, Chorus Canon
What I have I learnt: To focus and to make eye contact without feeling awkward.

The Present
Skills: Improvising skill.
What I have learnt:To makeup anything that comes up in my mind.

Skills: Improvising skill
What I have learnt: To improvise.

Drama game
Alphabet conversation: To have a conversation with the alphabet in order.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Yearly Cycle Of Fruit Trees At Hornby High School

In summer the flowers already bloomed from the fruit buds and most of the  fruit is ready for harvest.
The fruit will have seeds in it in order for an animal to eat it and digest it out to create a tree that can grow.


On Monday February 27th we went all the way back to the field to go visit the school garden to observe the tree and taste some of the fruit. What I noticed that the leaves are starting to shed  of the tree because it's almost fall.

All the fruit were ripe but some of it is already rotten with black spot and holes.  When Mr. Naylor told us to pick any fruit I was looking for the reddest fruit I could find; When I sunk my teeth on the plum I tasted the sour skin straight away but the further I got I tasted the sweetness of it. The apples were very crunchy and sweet but it was about the same size as the plums.

Prediction For The Next Season

My prediction for the tree is that there will be no leaves left by the end of the season.