
Monday 20 February 2017

What is the purpose of this task?
To show the roles that people have in Hornby High School.

How does this show my learning?
It shows that I have learnt what different roles people have in Hornby High School.

If I did it again what would I differently?
I would create and account so I can save it and come back to it anytime I want.

Describe how HHS is a community
People from Hornby High School have different roles and work together to make community.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Hands On Fire Pt.2

To learn how to keep safe by doing the hands on fire experiment and to not let the science lab to be on fire.

This list should have 5 items. This can just be a simple bullet point list.
  • Safety glasses
  • Tap water
  • Dishwashing Liquid
  • Gas from the bunsen burner
  • Hair tie (if you have long hair)
  • Lighter

  1. Put safety glasses on so therefore your eyes won’t get burnt by the fire.
  2. Tie hair back, and tuck into your collar so it could not get caught on fire
  3. Mix the dishwashing liquid with the tap water into a container.
  4. Let the gas from the bunsen burner spring through the mixed liquid.
  5. Wet your hands up to your elbows.
  6. Scoop the bubbles.
  7. Straighten your elbow to get your hands away from you to the limit.
  8. have someone to help you light the lighter underneath your hands where the bubble is.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Physical Education

Today at P.E we got split into two groups, a boy and a girl group. The girls went to the long jump pit first to practice and get comfortable in jumping. Miss explained the rules of where and how to jump. Then she got us into a long line going across to see if we can go pass the sand pit. She asked who the confident ones are so they can go alone in one of the sand pits to practice with out help, on the other hand the not so confident ones (me) are in the other sand pit supervised by Miss.

We had to take 21 steps back to get a head start jump. After everyone got a jump (some got 2) we saw the boys heading over to our station so Miss told us to go to the shot put where Mr. Hilliard is. He told us to  create a group of 3 forming a line behind the shot puts beside where the neon yellow cones are. The dark green shot puts were the heaviest and the blue ones was kinda heavy, I didn't get to try the light green ones but I'm guessing it's really light.

Today I learnt that I have to have my shoulders straight, my elbow touching my knee and pushing not throwing because it will get disqualified.

Monday 13 February 2017

My Tagul

What Are You Learning About?

I am learning about the Hornby High School C.A.R.R values (Commitment, Achievement, Respect,Resilience)

How My Work Shows What I'm Learning?

My work shows how I am learning by having sentences of how I can display the C.A.R.R Values.


If I would do this next time, I would change my background into a rainbow backdrop so it's more eye catching. The part I found difficult was writing 4-5 sentences about the values because they mostly have similar answers. I enjoyed how the final picture looked and was amazed about how they did it.

Traditional Story (How Maui Slowed The Sun)

  • Song?
  • Dance?
  •  Write a story?
  • Slideshow?
  • Poster?
  • Play?✔️️

How Maui Slowed The Sun

I intend to:
Being the sun, I intend to sound grumpy, make my voice lower and speak very loud.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Drama With Mrs Clark


Today we played two exciting games. One of them was led by Pearl and Jordan, it is called Finding Nemo, yes like the movie!
In order for the game to work, you need 2 people, one of them is Marlin, the person that is playing as Marlin has to find the secret Nemo, Marlin has to tag random people to find out who Nemo is. Nemo can heal people that Marlin tagged to revive them.


I showed commitment today by participating on all of the games and playing fairly.


I showed energy by running as much as I can to get away from the tagger.