
Monday 11 April 2022

Who are The Croods?-TBF

 The Croods are a family living in a fictional prehistoric Pliocene era. In biology we studied their physical and social characteristics to determine which hominid they are. I believe they're don't have determined hominid but a blend of many hominids-similar to a Homo Naledi. However, if I were to choose one hominin that they fit with, I would say they are Homo Neanderthals.

Physical Structure

The Croods: A New Age review – much yabba-dabba ado in caveman caper |  Movies | The Guardian

Their facial structures are very similar to modern sapiens, they don't have a very strong prognathism in their face, have chins, and no robust zygomatic arch or jaw. However, they still possess qualities that earlier hominids have, like a strong prognathism due to a stronger sagittal crest. 

Similar to their face, their body structure are also similar to Homo sapiens. They are able to walk upright fine due to their centred foramen magnum and an S-spine shape, supporting their bipedal lifestyle by absorbing the weight of gravity. Their hands are curved and have fully opposable thumbs to allow them to do detailed tasks. However, looking at Grug, his physique shows that his ribcage is cone shaped, that would better suit an arboreal locomotion.  Seeing how they possess a lot of human-like physical features mixed with earlier hominids, they must have came during the later stages of evolution, hence showing evidence that they are Homo Neanderthal. 

Cultural Evolution

I can infer that The Croods have developed Broca and Wernicks area due to their ability to speak and communicate with another. Having to develop these areas, required a later stage in the evolution. Although they have a developed brain to...

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Evolution Stone Tools

 In biology, we have been learning about the evolution of stone tool. It is separated into 4 groups Oldowan, Achulean, Mousterian and Paleolithic.

Friday 11 March 2022

Homo naledi

  In level 3 Biology, we have been looking at a few hominins to help us learn the process of human evolution and we came across an interesting hominin that had features crossed between Homo species and Australopelinces


Homo naledi

By National Museum of Natural History

Last Updated: January 22, 2021

Link to Article 

Homo Naledis are one of the few hominins that are still a mystery to the biological world. Hence, not a lot of information is available to fully understand them, however the article was able to tackle the Homo naledis’ history, survival, and placement in the evolution tree. The author states that Homo naledis were first discovered in a cave in Dinaledi Chamber, 2013 during an excavation. Since then they found fossils that could lead to information about how they survive without any evidence of tools. One of the most significant hints was their teeth that are different from most Homo species, suggesting their habitat differed from other Homo species albeit similar features. Due to their unique combination of Homo and Australopithecus, their place in the evolution tree is hard to pinpoint. So more research and excavation is required to confirm where they were in human evolution.