
Thursday 25 February 2021


 What is a human? How do we define that?

Humans are homo sapiens that possess "humanly" characteristic. Human characteristics is the ability to communicate with language, symbols, gesture and facial expressions. Our skills, to make tools and fire that makes other creatures inferior to us.

Our external features would also tell us apart from lions or other animals. We were moulded to carry certain parts that would look a certain way, different from other species. For example, our skin texture is different from a snake. Our eyes aren't the same size as a whale. 

What is a person? Is this different from being a human?

To have self-awareness and possess qualities like morals, reasons and consciousness. Also be part of a working, complicated system such as the government and etc.

Thoughts on Sandra, the orangutans receiving "personhood"?

I am confused about how a non-human can receive "personhood", however, seeing how she acts I see her having "human" behaviours that make me think that being a person isn't just limited to humans.

Do you think personhood will become more complicated with the introduction of AI?

I definitely think it will get confusing because personhood goes beyond the physical attributes but behaviours.

Friday 19 February 2021

Philosophy: “The Self”

 Plato on The Self

Plato believes that humans are composed of body and soul and can be separated. The body is material and destructible while the soul is immaterial and indestructible. Therefore, the soul is “The Self” since it contains knowledge and it cannot die. Plato theorises that the soul is segregated into 3 parts,  Rational, Spiritual and Appetitive. The rational soul is responsible to allow humans to think, reflect, analyse and works on other cognitive functions. The second is the Spiritual that allows humans to feel emotions such as anger, happiness and excitement. The third is an Appetitive soul for us to feel our desires and physical response such as hunger. 

Do I agree or disagree? 

 Plato’s theory of the self-being the soul is something I agree with. Although our bodies are decaying every second of every day our soul remains youthful with more experience. As a Christian, I can see similarities between Platos theory and what the bible says. The body is just the temporary temple that we need to take care of until it breaks down and we remain as souls to eternal life.

I believe that our dreams can be an example of our bodies and souls being separated. Although our bodies were resting our minds/soul is taken somewhere else to let us experience something surreal or impossible to experience in real life.


Thursday 18 February 2021

Ship of Theseus

 What is it?

The ship of Theseus is a philosophical idea that questions how identities are identified.  The theory had 3 parts. The first idea is replacing the parts of the ship of Theseus over the years. Second is using the parts from the ship of Theseus to create two new boats. Lastly, if a part of the ship is taken and broken. Are they all still the ship of Theseus?

What do you think the answer/solution is? Is there one? 

I think there is no right or wrong solution but the answer depends on people's beliefs. In my opinion, all three scenarios are still the Ship of Theseus although some parts may change, the aspect of the ship is still present.

Does this relate to our human identify? How so?

In a way it does. We often hear the phrase "people change" and that is completely true. Despite having people's "planks" change they're still considered the same. 

Image result for ship of theseus

Monday 15 February 2021

Art: Themes and Mood board

 (CI) Can you identify these themes or ideas?

Both birds show a traditional Maori pattern, a theme behind them may be inspired by Aotearoa.

Are the themes of each artist different? Why?
The artwork portrays two completely different moods. The art on the left utilizes darker colours, therefore gives a dark feeling to it. On the other hand, the colours used on the right is very vibrant and colourful, somewhat radiating a happy mood.

(CI) Which work expresses the theme of a calm conquest over death?
The left one's colour is vibrant and saturated. The subjects/ people were also drawn to have a calm facial expression.
Which work expresses a painful, suffering death?
The right side had harsher lines coinciding with the brown undertone colours reflecting how the painting shows pain and remorse.

How does the style, colour, and form express each theme?
The backgrounds contrast each other. The left painting shows a castle and a beautiful lake showing calmness and even victory from the castle. The right had thorns, skulls and dead ground.

I have chosen to have Filipino culture as a theme for my photos. I would be able to represent my country and its rich history.