
Thursday 11 April 2019

Part Seven-Consciousness

How is it that Connor was not unwound? p318
He adopted a new persona, a nineteen-year-old guard named E. Robert Mullard that prevented him from getting unwind after getting into an accident with the clappers.
Whose arm does he now have? P319
He inherited the arm of Roland.

On p321 Risa tells Connor how she won't be unwound. Do you think her decision to not accept the spine of an Unwind was purely ethical, or was she also playing the system in order to stay alive?
I think she chose not to because she knows what it feels like to be an unwind but at the same time, she chose not to so she doesn't get unwind herself.

Since the explosions at Happy Jack, what have people been doing? What has Cy-Fi's role been in this? P325
Cy-Fi started to speak up, to give the unwinds a voice, educating people that unwinding is a wrong thing. People also are waking up and protesting against unwinding, resulting to lowering the age to seventeen.

Lev's parents disown him. Who is trying to become his guardian? Lev's brother Marcus is trying to get Lev's parenting consent.

Why has Pastor Dan resigned? P329
Pastor Dan visited Lev in a way to apologise for tricking Lev into tithing hence why he resigned to not lead any other children into tithing. He decided to believe in another God that doesn't allow tithing.

P331-332 explain what has happened to Harlan Dunfee. What do you think about the Admiral and his wife's plan? The Admiral and his wife threw a party gathering everyone who had Harlan Dunfee's part together in memory of Harlan. They had nametags, not for their names but for the part they got from Harlan. I think this is a genius way of reuniting with an unwound children in a non-violent way.

Was it what you expected?
I expected them to gather all the people and harvest back Harlan Dunfee's parts to bring him back to life, like the story.
Who takes over the graveyard? P331
Since the general's health is declining and couldn't take to lead the graveyard anymore, Connor stepped up and took over.

PREDICTION: there are three more books after this. What do you think might happen to Risa, Connor and Lev? Any other characters you would like make a prediction for?
I think Connor is going to continue to help at the graveyard to save more unwinds and Risa helping there as a medic. I also predict that Cy-fi and Lev are going to reunite and speak up for the unwinds until they abolish the unwinding law.

Friday 5 April 2019

Part Six-Unwound

Part Six-Unwound

For your ease of mind, there are a variety of harvest camps to choose from.
Each facility is privately owned, state licensed, and federally funded by your tax dollars. Regardless of the site you choose, you can feel confident that your Unwind will receive the finest possible care from our board-certified staff as they make their transition to a divided state.  
-From The Parents' Unwinding Handbook

While at Harvest Camp, cameras film what the unwinds do at all times. This is an Orwellian concept, and happens in 1984. It is also increasingly popular in our world to have 24hr CCTV coverage of most places.  

Rehabilitation Centres and Prisons: The group counselling, daily physical activities and strict diet are similar to many rehab centres for people recovering from substance abuse, or a mental health issue. They are also quite similar to many modern prisons.

Connor and Risa are sent to Happy Jack Harvest Camp. Describe what it is like, and explain why it is like this. P265-266
The Happy Jack Harvest Camp looked like a hotel in Hawaii, sunny, filled with palm trees and surrounded with a beautiful view, the interior filled with bright pastel colours and staff clothed in summer Hawaiian clothing.

What is the exact percentage of the Unwind that you have to keep alive? Why is it not 100%, as Risa believes? P269

The exact amount of body parts to be kept alive is 99.44% this due to the appendix having no purpose in the body.

What do the unwinds call the place where unwinding occurs? P271
They call it the "Chop shop", this is because of the place where chopping the body parts occur.

Lev too is at Happy Jack, but as a tithe. Why is this?  
When Lev volunteered for the pipeline job he was caught but it has been decided to keep him as a tithe since they blamed Connor for his escape.

On p278 Connor and Roland finally, have the fight that's been brewing between them. What does each character realise during this?
That fighting doesn't solve anything and has no point in doing since their both getting unwind anyway.

P284 - What group has Lev joined, who recruited him, and when will they follow out their plan?  
Lev got recruited by a group called the "clappers", suicide bombers that have explosive blood that can be detonated by clapping. Lev had no control of the plan only Blaine had the say.

Roland is called for unwinding on p286. Why is this?  
He thought it was the reason for hitting one of the staff with a volleyball but it was because his blood type AB was really rare.

Chapter 61 is arguably the most confronting chapter in the book. Here we have Roland's first person narrative of being unwound. Do you think this chapter is necessary?
I think this is necessary for the story to educate the audience on what it's like to be unwound.

Why do you think Shusterman chose to have Roland's experience detailed? So the readers gain information on what's going to happen to the soul during the procedure and know what it feels like during that time. He also could've done this to show more of Roland's past so readers can change their mind towards him or towards unwinding.

Do his memories alter how you view him?  
After reading the chapter my hate towards Roland decreased although it didn't make me stop hating him. No matter what happens his attitude and behaviour towards other people in the past still makes me despise him.

Why does Lev decide not to clap? P310
The stronger side of Lev wasn't allowing him to detonate the bomb because he knows what he's doing is wrong. Connor also is part of the reason since he and Lev had history and Lev wanted to save him like he had saved Lev.

Image result for surgical

Thursday 4 April 2019

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking involves people being exploited, sold, abused and kidnapped. Human Trafficking occurs around the world but one of the worst countries involved are Belarus, China, and North Korea. Human Trafficking is driven by money, people abuse and kidnap other individuals to make more income not empathizing with others and treating them like slaves, defiling their Human Rights, “No To Slavery”. Pimp and smugglers often abduct young girls withdrawing them from there family causing them trauma and exploiting them for sexual purposes making them prostitutes. There are many young girls still to this day getting exploited and getting sexually abused.

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Tuesday 2 April 2019

Child Soldier


This map shows the worst countries that have child soldiers.

Child Soldier:

My Definition:
Child soldiers are children age 18 or younger recruited by an armed force either forcefully or voluntarily. Child Soldiers aren't all recruited for fighting some job involve as messengers, human shields, cooks, spies, suicide bomber or sex slaves.

Google Definition:
Child soldiers are children (individuals under the age of 18) who are used for any military purpose. Some are in their late teens, while others may be as young as four. They are not only boys – many are girls.
Some child soldiers are used for fighting – to kill and commit other acts of violence. Others are used as cooks, porters, messengers, informants or spies, or in any other way their commanders want. Child soldiers are also used for sexual purposes.
SEEL paragraph:
Child soldiers are used and manipulated into war violating both their human rights and freedom. Most child soldiers are recruited in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, some children join voluntarily to escape poverty to gain protection or to have someone that resembles family this why troubled areas are often targeted due to children from that area are more prone to violence and have fewer chances of having school or work opportunity, however, most are kidnapped and forced into joining through threatening and frightening the children into it. Being forced into holding a gun and teaching children to kill isn’t the only business child soldiers do, jobs can include as being messengers, cooks, human shields, spies, suicide bombers, or sex slaves, many of these jobs dishonours the Human Rights Law, like the Right To Life, if a child is forced into being a human shield or a human weapon there Right to Life is violated and taken away from them or their Right to Education, all there time and energy are wasted on serving instead of having access to an education. Children are targeted because they are easier to manipulate and force into fighting and having their Human Right and Freedom taken away from them and seeing unpleasant things can cause trauma for the children.

Image result for child soldiers



Which job in the graveyard does Risa get assigned to? How does this come about? P201
Risa originally got the job for washing dishes however when she across a kid that Connor punched she taught him how to stem the flow of the blood impressing Starboard promoting her to medic immediately.

Why doesn't Connor volunteer for "work"? P205

He figured that the Admiral was using the unwound to makes money.

How does Roland unsettle Connor? P206-207
Roland had Connor thinking that the Admiral has a different agenda for the children. He convinced Connor that the admiral takes different parts on an unwind for himself like his brand new looking teeth that looks like it doesn't belong to his saggy body.

P208-209 detail Lev's arrival, and Connor's reaction. Make sure you fill in your character profiles for both characters.

Lev's arrival was the same process as every unwind kid there, they arrive from a fed-ex aeroplane and the admiral's assistants orders them to line up to take them to the supply jet.

Connor had mixed emotions when he saw Lev, he didn't know whether to feel delighted and relieved or angry.

P214-215 Connor learns the truth about the Admiral here. How does the Admiral gain Connor's trust?

The admiral knew Connor has suspicions towards him so he called Connor to talk to him. When Connor's and the Admiral's conversation was escalating, Connor accidentally lets out why he thinks how the Admiral's get his teeth from. Once the Admirals heard Connor's stupid suspicion he decided to explain to him about his teeth being dentures and working the kids to pay off the food.

What, according to the Admiral, is it that Connor is becoming famous for in the Graveyard?p212
Connor was known for being tough before arriving at the graveyard so he was popular before then but he got more popular for being good at repairing and known for getting to a lot of fights.

What happens to the Goldens?p217
All five of them suffocated and died inside the crate. They believe someone targeted the five kids in purpose to get power and rise to the top since all of them are the strongest out of all the kids that boarded that plane. Connor had a feeling it's Roland since he wants to be the alpha.

How does Roland begin to assert his power in the Graveyard? (you'll need to look throughout the section)
Roland is starting to spread rumours about the Admiral to turn on him so he can win them to create his own army.

P222-226 give us an insight into how the Unwinding Bill was passed into law. Summarise what happened, then explain whether or not you think it is plausible. Most people thought that there were only two sides fighting in the Heartland War (pro-life and pro-choice) but there's another side in the middle that wants to prevent both sides to clash this consisted of people from the military. The bill of life started off a joke until a scientist won a Nobel price for perfecting Neurografting. Neurografting is a process of allowing every part of a donor to be used for transplant. The side in the middle got inspired by it and had suggested getting rid of unwanted children, eventually, both sides agreed to create the law of unwinding.

The Admiral was there when the Bill of Life was signed - do you think this detracts from the believability of the commonplace nature of Unwinding? In your opinion, do you think the book should have a few more generations between those who signed the Bill,

Yes so we could see different points of views and hear different opinions and thoughts about it rather than just one.

and the present state in the novel?
What job does Lev volunteer to do? P236

Lev volunteered to fix oil pipeline at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska until his eighteen along with the troublesome people in his group leaving Risa more worried and curious about Lev.

Which part of Harlan Dunfree does Emby have? P240

Emby inherited the lungs of Harlan Dunfree giving him asthma.

Chapter 39 is from Roland's point of view. Why do you think Shusterman changes the narrative here? What do we learn in this short chapter
To reveal Roland's plan and reasoning behind his suspicious behaviours.

By the end of this section, things at the Graveyard have deteriorated, with the unwinds turning on the Admiral, and tearing the place apart. Which character is beaten to death on p250?
Connor saw the mob kicking something in the centre but turns out it was someone and it was Cleaver covered in blood and bruises. Connor decided to help him but Cleaver seemed to enjoy the chaos unfolding the murderer of the Golden's.

What does the Admiral refuse on p255? What is the doctor's reaction to this?

He refuses to get a transplant since the organs in the hospital are from unwound children. The doctor was confused and hesitant trying to convince the Admiral to get a transplant to increase his chance of survival.
Why does Roland have the Juvey-Cops called? P259 Why doesn't his plan happen? P260-1
Roland asked the Doctor to call the Juvey-Cop to turn Connor and Risa in and in order to save himself from getting unwound his plan is to also lead the Juvey-Cop to the graveyard getting hundreds of unwind kids to get unwound in exchange of money. Roland's plan backfired when he found out that the cop already knew about the graveyard. The Juvey-Cops lets the Admiral continue on his unwind graveyard camp to get unwind off the street.