What did I find challenging about the print design?
I found that cutting the lino challenging due to my design being complicated so I had to use tools that cut small.
What did I find most challenging about the painting composition progress?
I found that composing the final drawing on the A3 really hard, I was struggling to exactly draw my final drawing because I couldn't exactly copy my draft drawing so I had to change little details.
What mistake made me learn something?
I made a mistake of making a shade of brown of my hair lighter so I decided to try to make it an ombre.
What was most successful about your work?
I think that most successful about my work was the ombre hair on my painting, I really like how it came out.
What have I learnt?
Something I took from one of the lessons is overlapping paint by painting very thinly first.
What could I have done differently?
I would've taken my time at doing my lino print so I could've not cut some parts that weren't supposed to be cut.