
Friday 25 May 2018

English-Reading Theory

In English, I did Reading Theory, at the start of the week  I was not consistent however the last day of the week I leveled up from grade 7 to 9. One passage read was about Sandy and Paul forming a band, Sandy plays the guitar and Paul plays the drums.

Image result for guitar and drums

Wednesday 23 May 2018


In japanese we were tasked to make our own introduction using hirgana, I decided to do it in google slides.

Friday 18 May 2018

Performance Assesment- my character

I chose Stryk's script from bullies because I think it's going to be a challenge for me to acts as one of the bullies.

Who am I?
I'm Stryk one of the coolest guys on my school and one of the funniest bully, I have three friends, Cuff, Boot, and Grynd they're as cool as me but of course, I'm the coolest.

Thursday 17 May 2018

English-Read Theory

In English today we were doing reading theory in reading theory I read something about family traditions. I leveled up from grade 6 to grade 7

English-What was I wondering about?

English: May 16:
In social studies, we got given countries that are ruled by a dictatorship and I got given Brunei. Ever since I that day I always wondered where Brunei is located. What I found out is Brunei is a country in Asia, Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital city they speak Malay, it. It is known for its beaches and rainforests.
Image result for brunei

Friday 11 May 2018


English: May 11th

For English today instead of reading I chose to draw. While drawing I was listening to a Filipino song called 'Nadaraing', I think the song is about a boy can't stop loving a girl no matter how much she hurt him, I like the beat of the song and the pace of it.
My drawing.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Mindmup-Social Studies


English: May 10th
For sustained silent reading in English, I read an article about the difference between Born again Christians and Jehova's witness. What I found out is that both religions share simmilar beliefs but the main difference is that JW doesn't believe in the holy trinity (God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit) and they also don't think that Jesus was God in the flesh which separates them from Christianity. This article's purpose is to give information and the target audience are any ages.

Image result for god


Wednesday 9 May 2018


English: May 9th 2018
Today in English for sustained reading I chose to read facts from It a website that gives you cool facts about many categories, like world, society, nature, and history. This website's target audience is any ages who want to read interesting facts and get their mind blown.
Image result for facts gif

Tuesday 8 May 2018


 To find out what will happen to the hot and cold water if you put the potassium permanganate (purple stuff) to it and see which one spreads faster.

I predict that the crystal will spread faster in hot water due to the water having more heat energy which causes the particle to move more.

Petre dish
Potassium Permanganate
Water (cold and hot)


